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Website revision


  • When the domain name or directory of a site changes, if you want Baidu to quickly include the new links after the change and replace the old links, you need to use the website revision tool of Baidu search resource platform to submit your revision relationship and accelerate Baidu's replacement of the old and new links

matters needing attention

  • New and old links in the revision rule must be redirected in 301 mode
  • It is recommended that you try to use the site revision and rule revision, which will have a relatively short processing cycle and also shorten the follow-up time of your feedback problems
  • This tool is aimed at the change of website links, and website content revision is not applicable to this tool
  • The three types of revision forms you submitted cannot have a cross or inclusion relationship, that is, one link cannot belong to multiple revision forms at the same time
  • Please keep the change and jump relationship for a long time until the traffic of the new station is completely stable
  • Baidu search resource platform will verify the changed rules and push them into effect within 72 hours. It is calculated from the time when you submit the revision rules. For example, after 72 hours, the online status always prompts that the revision is in progress. You can submit feedback in the feedback center so that engineers can view the problems
  • If the site revision cannot be completed in the short term, it is recommended to submit the first page and other important page pairs through the new and old URLs for revision

Function example

 Function example