Sometimes, for various purposes, you may need to call all the classified directories of the zblog website. In general, you can use the module tags provided by the system {module:catalog}
However, due to the impact of the modification of the corresponding module, it is often necessary to call it separately, so the following function code can be used.
Add the following code to the include.php file of the theme:
function qiteen_categories(){ global $zbp; $categries = ''; $cateArray = $zbp->GetCategoryList(null,null,array('cate_Order'=>'ASC'),null,null); foreach ($cateArray as $cate){ $categries .= '< li><a href="'.$cate->Url.'" title="'.$cate->Name.'">'.$cate->Name.'</a></li>'; } return $categries;}
Add the following calling code where all classification directories need to be called, such as in the footer, in the footer.php file:
After saving, click [Update Cache or Re edit Template] on the background homepage to take effect.