Reasons and solutions for Sina blog not being included by Baidu

Channel: Industry trends Date: Browse: 509

The external chain is an important means to improve the website ranking. There are various ways to increase the external chain, among which the blog external chain is the favorite of many webmasters. For example, Sina Blog has become the first choice for webmasters to optimize the external chain because of its fast collection, high weight, simple application and easy use. But many webmasters reflect that their Sina blog is not favored by Baidu, and the articles published on the blog are not included by Baidu. At the beginning, I also encountered the same situation, and later gradually mastered the methods and skills, and re

The website successfully checked in to Alibaba Cloud server through registration and changed the theme

Channel: Industry trends Date: Browse: 392

In the past 10 years, the blog bar has used free space to go online, and then switched to a paid host. In the past four years, it has tried American Space, Domestic Space, Hong Kong Space, and Japanese Space, most of which were American Space. Maybe because it bought a host provided by a small service provider, the host experience is very ordinary, and there are often problems of one kind or another, and it is difficult to follow up after sales, So I have always wanted to change the domestic space, but I have been suffering from the problem of filing. The last time

Zblog php 1.6 release update, named Valyria

Channel: Industry trends Date: Browse: 538

As one of the most active source codes of open source websites in China, zblog has released Z-BlogPHP version 1.6.0, named Valyria (encyclopedia: the name of a city from the novel Song of Ice and Fire), nearly two years after the last version was released and updated. After reading the official update log of zblog, the 1.6 version is in progress

Method code for realizing delayed loading of website images to improve website opening speed

Channel: Technical Tutorial Date: Browse: 427

Generally speaking, the delayed loading of web page images means that when the web page is loaded, the images that should be loaded together are temporarily replaced with small images to reduce the loading volume. When the user browses to the image area, the original image is loaded back (roughly this meaning)! The delayed loading of images is very helpful to improve the loading speed of web pages, and the delayed loading of website images is not cumbersome, so predecessors have prepared all the tools for us

Solution to the problem of error returned by the zblog php upload image display server

Channel: Technical Tutorial Date: Browse: 356

Zblog php uses the UEditor editor. When uploading an image, the image is uploaded successfully but cannot be inserted into the content. The display server returns an error. The solution told by the zblog administrator is to clean the BOM header. The zblog application center provides a plug-in for checking the BOM header, through which you can check and remove the BOM header of website files. 1. Enter the website background and search the Application Center for "BOM File Header Inspection..."

Solution to zti file upload failure during background installation theme

Channel: Technical Tutorial Date: Browse: 360

When the blog bar browses the z-blog forum or other bloggers' z-blog blogs, it occasionally finds that the theme zti file upload fails when the blogger indicates that the theme is installed in the background of the z-blog. The reason why zti theme file upload fails may be that the server used by the blogger does not support uploading. zti format files or the zti theme file exceeds the size of the uploaded file limited by the space provider where the z-blog blog is located