Super easy to use online matting website, super easy to use the client!

Recommended 2019-08-28 4019 views 0 comments is the most powerful online back service I have seen recently. It is a 100% automatic AI technology. It can quickly distinguish the foreground and background of photos with trained models, and separate the subjects into transparent backgrounds.

Recently, announced the launch of free applications for Windows, Mac and Linux, which can automatically and batch remove photo backgrounds.

The usage method is to first obtain the API and set it to the software for use. According to the website description, the free program has 50 API calls quota for small size pictures every month, which is the same as the quota used by the Photoshop extension function.

In particular, the desktop version supports automatic backing off of batch and multiple images. As long as you drag the images or folders directly to the application, you can back off through the remote server. In addition to turning the photos into transparent backgrounds, you can also choose to cover the background with a specific color. When exporting, you can use different sizes. for Windows/Mac/Linux

Website link:

You can find the download points corresponding to Windows, Mac and Linux from the official blog posts, or click the " Download "Download automatically according to your system.

I use for Mac as an example here. Other versions should be similar. The Mac version is installed by downloading. After starting, drag to the "Application" folder to start using.

When the desktop version is opened for the first time, the user is required to enter an "API Key". Click "Get API Key" to connect to the official website. After registration, the API Key can be found.

API link:

Log in to to find the "API Key", copy the key string, and paste it to the desktop software for storage.

The for Mac operation mode is very simple. Drag the image to the application to memorize it. If you want to memorize more than one image at a time, it is OK. The following options are defaulted to turn the background into a transparent background by removing the back. If necessary, you can also use a specific color to fill the background (Colored Background). The size part is defaulted to "Automatic".

Press "Start" and you will begin to recite. Because it is done through the API, and the technology of this company is also used, which is better than the general software. However, pay attention to the restrictions of the free scheme when using it. If the usage is large or you need to recite high quality pictures, you may have to pay for the purchase quota.

Three reasons to try
  • Launched desktops for Windows, Mac and Linux;
  • Batch processing of multiple pictures or folders;
  • Create a transparent background, or fill the background with a specific color.
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