Zhonggong Entertainment

Work Video | Proposal for 2024 International Labor Day Celebration Conference

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-28 19:04

"Rely on labor creation, solidly promote Chinese style modernization, and let us always be the pillar of the development of new quality productivity"...... The May Day International Labor Day, the National May Day Labor Award and the National Workers Pioneer Commendation Conference in 2024 will be held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on April 28. 255 collectives and 1088 individuals won the National May Day Labor Medal and medal respectively, and 1034 collectives won the National Worker Pioneer. Xia Li, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal, a fitter of China Electronics Network Communication Research Institute, a senior technician and a craftsman from a big country, sent out a proposal as the representative.

Editor in charge: Wu Jingbin

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