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Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County, subordinate to Chengde City, Hebei Province, is located in the north of Chengde City, Hebei Province. Its geographical coordinates are 116 ° 32 ′ - 118 ° 14 ′ E and 41 ° 35 ′ - 42 ° 40 ′ N, respectively. It borders Harqin Banner, Chifeng City, Keshiketen Banner and Duolun County in Inner Mongolia in the east, west and north, and Fengning Manchu Autonomous County and Longhua County in the southwest and south. The county is 138 kilometers long from east to west, 118 kilometers wide from south to north, and covers a total area of 9219 square kilometers. The county has jurisdiction over 14 towns, 23 townships and 312 administrative villages. With a total population of 530488, it is a place where ethnic minorities, mainly Manchus and Mongols, live. There are 30 ethnic groups in the territory, including Manchus, Mongols, Hui, and Han. It has been successively identified as the home of potatoes in China, the national pollution-free vegetable production base, the national commodity cattle base county, China's tourism star county, the first batch of national agricultural sustainable development pilot demonstration areas, the first batch of national green energy demonstration counties, etc. [More]