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Frp intranet penetration

Frp0.9.3 Free server information:
The connection address is: frp.lu8.win: 7000
Privilege authentication password: frp888
TCP/UDP port range: 10000-65535
Tunnel status query: frp.lu8.win:7500
The query account and password are: admin

Frp0.16.1 Free server information:
The connection address is: frps.lu8.win: 7100
Privilege authentication password: frp888
TCP/UDP port range: 10000-65535
Tunnel status query: frps.lu8.win:7600
The query account and password are: admin

Note: HTTP/HTTPS protocol of frp 0.16.1,
Only the use of port 80/443 of the *. frps.lu8.win domain name is provided.

Common script of FRP client and server

Note: Just download the general script to automatically download the program.

The general script usage method is:
Windows system: Double click frp.bat
Linux system: curl - kLs - o frp.bat http://www.lu8.win/downloads/frp/frp.bat ; sh frp.bat
Mac system: curl - kLs - o frp.bat http://www.lu8.win/downloads/frp/frp.bat ; sh frp.bat

Online generation of server configuration file
Online generation of client configuration files