I want to participate in the exhibition

Yan Shoujian's works

Author: unknown Release time: 2018-08-08 10:12:35 Source: ImageChina.com [Original] Editor: yangzl


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hidden but beautiful spot

The sun shines all over the ground


the grass looks like a green carpet

Ups and downs

the waters and skies merge in one colour

feel excited

Salt Lake Road

Keep firm, Director of China Entrepreneur Photography Society Member of Wuxi Photography Association Vice President of Wuxi Entrepreneur Photography, Calligraphy and Painting Club.

In 2011, he participated in the photography activity "Special Experience of American Death Valley" held by Danish Feisi Company.
In 2014, he participated in the Photography Exhibition of Ten Years of Happiness held by the People's Government of Chong'an District, Wuxi City and the Great Oriental Group, and won the first prize and the third prize respectively.
In 2015, he participated in the Wuxi Lingshan Charity Foundation and Charity World Donation Auction, and donated all the proceeds from the auction of Zhaxi Qutang, a collection of works shot for Dedun Buddhist College, to the foundation to help remote and poor areas.
In March 2016, he was elected as the vice president of Wuxi Entrepreneurs Photography, Calligraphy and Painting Club.
In October 2016, his works Streaming Light and Colorful Water were permanently collected by Nanjing Jinling Library.
In October 2016, the work Family Love was collected by the Library of Renmin University of China.
In December 2016, the work "Shining Light" was awarded the title of excellent work by Suzhou Wuxi Changzhou Entrepreneur Photography Alliance.
In June 2017, the work "Hong Kong Night" won the Excellence Award at the 2017 International Photography Annual Exhibition on the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return.
In October 2017, his work Holy Scenery of Lihu Lake was collected by the Library of Renmin University of China.

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