Introduction to favicon icon

favicon.ico It is generally used as an abbreviated website logo, which is displayed in the address bar of the browser or on the label, and is used to display the logo of the website, as shown in the figure below Red circle The main browsers currently support favicon.ico Icon.
 google ico for introduce favicon
 yahoo ico for introduce favicon

How to install Favicon

When successfully generated favicon.ico After the image file, the browser will automatically pop up a zip compressed file
Compress the favicon.ico Place the image in the root directory (or other directories)
Insert between the<head></head>tags of the page source file
<link rel="shortcut icon" href=" /favicon.ico" />

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

Generate icon ico

 Random Image Code


- original image Acceptable:. jpg. jpeg. gif. png and other image formats
-The original image file size is limited to less than 500k
-It is recommended to create a 400x400 jpg image, and then reduce it to the size of the ICO you want to convert, and finally convert it to Ico icon Format
-Of course, you can also directly convert the original size image through Bitworm, and the Bitworm will automatically shrink the image to a suitable size Ico icon Size, but may be distorted when shrinking