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GET and POST What's the difference? How to use?

March 25, 2023 and POST The method is not idempotent, that is to say, if you execute multiple POST requests for the same URL, the response of the server may be different. Because the POST method will change the resources on the server side, if the same POST request is executed multiple times, it may lead to

GET And POST Forget the difference when you ask?

May 30, 2023 about GET Requests and POST The biggest difference between them is the difference in specifications and conventions. In the specification, the GET request is defined to obtain

Post and get What is the difference between requests - FAQs - PHP Chinese website

February 3, 2023 Difference: 1 post Request more security; The post request will not be part of the url and will not be cached or saved in the server log or browser browsing records, get If the request is for a static resource, it will be cached. If the request is for data, it will not be cached. 2. Send post request

GET and POST Details - CSDN blog

February 22, 2021 The Http protocol defines many ways to interact with the server. There are four basic methods: GET , POST ,PUT,DELETE. A URL address is used to describe a resource on the network. The GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE in HTTP correspond to the query of this resource

POST and GET The difference between Baidu Zhiyou and Xueyou

November 12, 2021 one GET And POST They all have their own semantics and cannot be mixed. 2. According to research, in a good network environment, the difference between the time of sending a packet and the time of sending two packets can be ignored. In the case of poor network environment, two

99% of people understand HTTP incorrectly GET And POST Difference of

March 10, 2019 GET and POST It is the two basic methods of HTTP request. Anyone who has been exposed to WEB development can tell something about their differences. The most intuitive difference is that GET includes parameters in the URL, and POST passes parameters through the request body. You may have written countless

GET and POST What's the difference- Zhihu

August 23, 2017 The browser will GET and POST It is defined as: GET "reads" a resource. For example Get To an html file. Repeated reading of data that should not be accessed

post -Baidu Encyclopedia

Explain the GET and POST Difference and usage

May 18, 2021 POST : Since the value is not passed through the URL, the data is not limited in theory. But actually, each WEB server will stipulate post The size of submitted data is limited. Apache and IIS6 have their own configurations. Security POST is more secure than GET The security of