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POST request What is _ What is POST request - FAQ - PHP Chinese website

January 25, 2024 Post request It is an http method that is used to submit data to the server or send a request. The post request sends the data in the message body of the request, not as part of the url. Commonly used for "submit form data to server", "

[Interface test] POST request Three ways to submit data and Postman implementation - CS

July 12, 2023 3. Realize three types through Postman request 3.1 Implementation of application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST , fill in the URL, select x-www-form-urlencoded under Body, and then fill in the parameters and data, as follows: 3.2 multi

POST request -CSDN Blog

March 27, 2021 GET requests are HTTP requests, POST request It is the HTTP response. Is that right? Why? This statement is completely wrong. Both GET requests and POST requests are uplink requests and downlink responses, that is, they send requests to the server

What is? POST request -Cool Shield

February 8, 2024 POST request It is a request method defined in the HTTP protocol. It is used to send data to the specified server. Unlike GET requests, POST requests are usually used to submit form data, upload files, or perform some operations on the server. The data requested by POST is included in the request

4. Web crawler - Post Request (Practical demonstration) - CSDN blog

March 21, 2024 (1) The post request is more secure and will not be part of the url, cached, saved in the server log, and browser browsing records, Get request If it is a static resource, it will be cached. If it is data, it will not be cached. (2) The data sent by the post request is larger

explore POST request : From principle to practice - CSDN blog

August 8, 2023 Native JavaScript can be sent using the XMLHttpRequest object POST request The following is an example code: varxhr=newXMLHttpRequest();"POST"," ",...

Why do most web pages use Post ?| request Mode analysis

June 21, 2023 In short, the Get request is used to get data from the server, while Post Request Used to send data to the server. When we use a browser to visit a website, the browser usually uses the Get request to get the HTML page and all the resources contained in it (for example

Post request The parameter form in and the problem that form data cannot get when submitting data

November 19, 2019 This is also common Post request Method is generally used to upload files, and the support of major servers is also good. Therefore, when we use forms to upload files, we must make the form's enctype attribute value multipart/form data Note: The above two methods: appli

Front end skills in HTTP POST Four ways to submit data_javascript tips_feet

June 26, 2023 POST request The POST method means submit. If we need to submit some data to the server, we can use the POST method. Although POST means submit, and the protocol stipulates that POST is also used to submit data, many companies now