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Zhu Jiangcai Associate Chief Physician Otolaryngology Department
Shanghai First People's Hospital Triple A 73rd in China
Patients with rhinitis need to see a doctor before deciding whether to vaccinate against COVID-19:
one Inoculation is not recommended in acute stage of rhinitis : When the patient is in the acute stage of rhinitis, the resistance is poor, and the effect of the new coronal vaccine is affected, so it is not recommended to vaccinate immediately.
two Can be inoculated during stable rhinitis : Patients in the stable stage of rhinitis have stable resistance and can be vaccinated with the new coronal vaccine to achieve preventive effect.
3. Rhinitis has different manifestations: patients with acute stage attacks show dryness in the nasal cavity, burning sensation, etc

Severe stage of rhinitis sure Inoculate new coronal vaccine Are you? - Ask the doctor quickly

New coronal vaccine is not allowed in severe rhinitis Because rhinitis is easy to reduce the immune function of the body and reduce the immunity of the human body when it has a serious attack. If the new coronal vaccine is inoculated at this time, it will affect the absorption of the new coronal vaccine by the body, and in serious cases, it will lead to

rhinitis High incidence period energy Inoculate new crown pneumonia vaccine Is it- Other respiratory diseases - Dr. Bohe

July 28, 2022 Try not to vaccinate new coronal vaccine during the high incidence period of rhinitis In this case, it is easy for the patient to have fever or sneeze. During the vaccination process

Rhinitis Don't Get New Crown Vaccine -Q&A Channel - Doctor Bohe

The new coronavirus vaccine usually refers to the new coronavirus vaccine, Vaccination is not recommended for rhinitis patients during the attack In general, vaccination is not allowed during recurrent rhinitis

Severe episode of rhinitis sure Inoculate new coronal vaccine Do you? Sanzhi Health

Disease analysis: New coronal vaccine is generally unavailable during severe rhinitis During the severe episode of rhinitis, the physical fitness is poor, and the immune function decreases. At this time, vaccination of the new coronal vaccine may have an impact on the body, leading to the loss of the effect of the new coronal vaccine, and at the same time, the head may appear

Rhinitis attack period sure New coronal vaccine M_Xinglin Pukang

The new coronal vaccine cannot be used during the onset of rhinitis Because new coronal vaccine may lead to some adverse reactions, such as fever and reactions similar to upper respiratory tract infection. Therefore, during the onset of rhinitis, if the new coronal vaccine is inoculated, the symptoms may be aggravated. With

Why? Do not vaccinate new coronal vaccine during severe rhinitis _Minfukang

Vaccination of new coronal vaccine during severe rhinitis , which may aggravate the symptoms of rhinitis and may affect the vaccine effect. 1. Rhinitis symptoms worsen. During the severe attack period of rhinitis, patients will have obvious symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, headache, dizziness, etc., which will cause the patients to feel sick

Do not vaccinate new coronal vaccine during severe rhinitis -Xinhuanet client

January 15, 2021 Do not vaccinate new coronal vaccine during severe rhinitis Wang Huaqing, chief expert of the immunization program of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Allergies to food, pets, pollen, etc. are not contraindications to vaccination for the vast majority. But also need to tell the truth, by the doctor

Rhinitis attack period can New coronal vaccine _39 Health Network

September 20, 2023 Rhinitis attack period Generally not New coronal vaccine It is recommended that the new coronal vaccine be administered after the rhinitis has improved, otherwise it may lead to illness aggravate It may also affect the effect of the vaccine. If the rhinitis patient has fever, headache, fatigue and other symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time