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U.S.A Racing pigeons across the Pacific Arrived in Australia due to Those who do not comply with epidemic prevention regulations will be killed - ...

January 15, 2021, January 15, by a reporter from the United States dove Appearing in Australia after missing in the competition, the local government will Epidemic prevention regulations , the pigeon flying across the Pacific Ocean will be euthanized. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), this pigeon is named "Joe"

U.S.A Pigeon Racing Across the Pacific , because The epidemic prevention regulations will be killed , Netizen: It's really sad - Beiwanxin

January 15, 2021 A pigeon from the United States appears in Australia after missing in the competition Epidemic prevention regulations , will fly over this one the pacific ocean The pigeons were euthanized. Information picture Provided by Xinhua News Agency Last December 26, Kevin, a resident of Melbourne, Australia, found a foot

American Racing pigeons across the Pacific Those who do not comply with epidemic prevention regulations will be killed _Chinanet

January 15, 2021 Source: Reuters [Racing pigeons crossing the Pacific Ocean will be killed if they do not comply with epidemic prevention regulations] A pigeon from the United States appeared in Australia after missing during the competition. The local government will euthanize the pigeon flying across the Pacific Ocean according to strict epidemic prevention regulations. According to the BBC (

U.S.A Racing pigeons across the Pacific , because The epidemic prevention regulations will be killed , Netizen: Real tragedy _ spread

January 15, 2021 A pigeon from the United States appears in Australia after missing in the competition Epidemic prevention regulations , will fly over this one the pacific ocean The pigeons were euthanized. Information picture Provided by Xinhua News Agency Last December 26, Kevin, a resident of Melbourne, Australia, found a foot

U.S.A Racing pigeons across the Pacific , because The epidemic prevention regulations will be killed , Netizen: It's really sad | Beijing Evening New

January 15, 2021 American Racing Pigeon Spanning the pacific ocean , because Epidemic prevention regulations Will be killed, netizen: It's really tragic that a pigeon from the United States disappeared in the competition and appeared in Australia. The local government will euthanize the pigeon flying across the Pacific Ocean according to strict epidemic prevention regulations. Information Picture Provided by Xinhua News Agency

Racing pigeons across the Pacific because The epidemic prevention regulations will be killed Netizen: It's too bad to go in the wrong direction. - New

January 16, 2021 A pigeon from the United States appears in Australia after missing in the competition Epidemic prevention regulations , will fly over this one the pacific ocean (601099, guba) must be disposed of. It is reported that this pigeon is named "Joe". In late October, one of the pigeons in Oregon

Beauty Racing pigeons across the Pacific Arrived in Australia, but due to The epidemic prevention regulations will be killed , netizen: should be isolated

In the past, people found that pigeons have the ability to recognize nests during the process from captivity to stocking, and then trained them to carry messages. Of course, such pigeons are smart, flexible and rarely injured accidentally. But recently, one of the pigeons in the United States Racing pigeons across the Pacific Fly

U.S.A pigeon Disappeared across 8000 miles to Australia, will be

January 15, 2021 According to on January 15, an American pigeon disappeared during the competition and appeared in Australia Epidemic prevention regulations , will fly over this one the pacific ocean (3.290, 0.08, 2.49%). According to British radio

#United States pigeon Fly to Australia Will be Euthanasia # Local From Beilun Procurator

January 16, 2021 [# USA pigeon Will be euthanized when flying to Australia # Local authorities concerned: Non compliance with epidemic prevention regulations 】A pigeon from the United States appears in Australia after missing in the competition. The local government will fly over the pigeon according to strict epidemic prevention regulations peace ...

U.S.A pigeon stride across the pacific ocean Arrive in Australia and fear of being killed for spreading diseases - see the news

January 15, 2021 U.S.A pigeon stride across the pacific ocean Fear of being killed for spreading diseases when arriving in Australia is based on Australia's strict biosafety regulations The authorities are planning to kill a racing pigeon that flew from the United States to Australia on January 15, while not ruling out the possibility of returning it to the United States. December 2