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Chi Xiangyu Chief Physician: Geriatric Respiratory Department
Shandong Provincial Hospital Triple A 52nd in China
At least 2 weeks
The vaccination interval of hpv vaccine and new coronal vaccine shall be at least 2 weeks:
1. Adverse reactions may occur after vaccination: adverse reactions such as allergic reactions or decreased immunity may occur after vaccination. It is suggested that vaccination should be carried out at intervals between the two vaccines.
2. Mutual vaccination may cause interaction: the successive vaccination of two vaccines may cause interaction. In order to avoid adverse reactions, it is recommended to vaccinate at intervals.
3. Communicate physical condition with the doctor: It is recommended that patients should communicate their physical condition with the doctor before vaccination

New coronal Viral vaccine And HPV vaccine need interval How long has the doctor come

Vaccination of new coronavirus vaccine and HPV vaccine is usually more than 2 weeks apart It is generally recommended to give priority to the injection of new coronavirus vaccine. HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer, but also can prevent other

Interval between hpv vaccine and new coronal vaccine Time - Doctor Chun Yu

The interval between HPV vaccine and new coronal vaccine should be more than two weeks HPV vaccine, also known as human papillomavirus vaccine, is commonly known as cervical cancer vaccine. The purpose of HPV vaccination is to prevent cervical lesions and even cervical cancer. The new crown vaccine is to prevent

New Corona and HPV Vaccine How long do you need to stagger? - Doctor Chunyu

New coronal vaccine and HPV vaccine, It needs to be staggered for more than two weeks before vaccination Any two kinds of vaccines should be vaccinated at intervals of more than two weeks, so as to avoid the aggravation of adverse reactions, and at the same time, the adverse reactions caused by which vaccine can be distinguished. vaccination...

Interval between new coronal vaccine and hpv vaccine How long? Sub health? Doctor Bohe

December 21, 2022 The interval between new coronal vaccine and hpv vaccine was two weeks. After vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine, It usually takes two weeks to get the HPV vaccine At present, the new

Experts: The interval between the new coronal vaccine and HPV vaccine should exceed two weeks -Global Network

January 15, 2021 This article is adapted from CCTV News; Wang Huaqing, Chief Expert of Immunization Planning of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention: In order to facilitate accurate monitoring of adverse reactions, COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines should be vaccinated separately, At least two weeks apart , including HPV vaccine. But don't think about rabies vaccine

Hpv and new coronal vaccine want interval How long? Expert article? Doctor Bohe

June 2, 2021 Hpv and new coronal vaccine At least Two weeks apart about. This is because the research and development time of the new crown vaccine is relatively short. For safety reasons Vaccine interval For a period of time, it is better to prevent some components in the vaccine from interacting and affecting the effect. New Crown

Interval between hpv vaccine and new coronal vaccine Time - Doctor Chun Yu

HPV vaccine and New Crown Vaccine Interval Time should be at least Two weeks Above, preferably more than one month. The current new crown vaccine is inactivated vaccine, which should not affect the HPV vaccine in theory inoculation However, because the research and development time of the new crown vaccine is not long, it is not similar to other epidemics

Interval between hpv and new coronal vaccine -Q&A Channel - Doctor Bohe

HPV vaccine and New coronal Virus vaccine interval At least Two weeks , preferably more than one month. Because the new coronavirus vaccine does not match other