The member account system and Alibaba Terms of Service of Alibaba China and Taobao were upgraded. After login, both sides successfully logged in at the same time. View details>>

Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd
The company is the leading independent third-party payment in China
The platform was founded by Alibaba Group. payment
Bao ( com) is committed to serving China
China's e-commerce provides "simple, safe and fast"
"Fast" online payment solution.
Two step use of Alipay:
Register Alipay ?? Bind Alipay
See more help>>
Register Alipay
How to register and activate Alipay account
Alibaba account is bound to Alipay account
Use Alipay
I am a buyer, how to use Alipay transaction
I am a seller, how to use Alipay transaction