Title: The SSL certificate format provided by AliCloud has changed Create:2018-10-29 ◊ :761

:2018-10-29 14:16
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

As shown in the title. Previously, the download package included XX. pemXX. key, which can be used directly after decompression. However, the download package now contains: XX. crtXX. key, which is a bit troublesome. Fortunately, I found an article [converting] crt format certificate to pem format certificate, which is a bit stupid, but it is only useful

Title: A question about debug Create:2018-10-23 ◊ :793

:2018-10-23 19:17
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

Forum question post: https://hu60.cn/q.php/bbs.topic.88060.1.html In the process of development and maintenance, it is inevitable to open the built-in debug of the framework. Because I have not been clear about the cache for a long time, this strange phenomenon occurs: when I open the debug, the SQL executes successfully! On the contrary, SQL execution fails when debugging is closed! Thanks to @ DaMeng from [Tiger Green Forest] and my WeChat friends

Title: Filing to tlip.cn is to increase the success rate of audit Create:2018-10-10 ◊ :854

:2018-10-10 15:35
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

Originally, this domain name did not need to be filed, but it would be better to be responsible for parsing abroad for a long time, but one day when sharing a link to a WeChat friend, WeChat reported it inexplicably. After that, I reported that I had not been able to pass the review for many times... It is said that providing the filing number can give priority to the review, but who does not know that after the filing, it is basically impossible to get rid of it. If the domain name resolution is illegal, you can find yourself immediately. After a long delay, I saw the only thing left on my hands

:2018-09-10 23:18
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

In ThinkPHP5, I encountered a rather uncomfortable thing, that is, I moved the TP3 model to use. The var_dump did get all the data, but returned a huge data object, and many attributes were prompted to be protected, like this This is the data I want, but I can't get the data after struggling in my Controller for a long time. Later, I thought about it calmly and found that the data is from the model

Title: If GitHub doesn't record your contribution Create:2018-09-09 ◊ :891

:2018-09-09 01:04
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

It should be that you did not write the user name and email address correctly. Use the following command to reset the global user information: //For example, my name is tabkey9 git config --global user.name "tabkey9" //This is my mailbox git config --global user.email " admin@tlip.cn "

:2018-09-09 00:24
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

thank! Original text: https://blog.csdn.net/u012436908/article/details/79417622 This line of instructions is just needed today to protect the real database configuration file Application Common Conf config.php in the project //Local Ignore File git update-index --assume-unchanged [file-path] //Restore locally ignored files gi......

:2018-09-07 18:01
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

:2018-09-07 14:42
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

When posting in the MarkDown mode, the code of the history article is highlighted. Because I have the PHP start tag, the link is reset in the WAMP test environment, and there is no apparent reason. This time I found out that it was accidental. It happened to narrow the scope of possibility, so I just made a targeted inspection. At present, it is only to find the root cause of the problem. I do not intend to solve the problem technically for the time being

Title: Php summary generation function Create:2018-09-05 ◊ :889

:2018-09-05 02:15
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

Reprinted from: Forgot I just changed it a little. /** Php summary generation function   link: http://www.jquerycn.cn 2013-3-7 @TabKey9: Filter out solutions with html and php tags&&$s variables undefined&& Cutstr() plus default parameter */ function cutstr($str, $length=12......

Title: Realizing infinite classification by recursion Create:2018-09-05 ◊ :736

:2018-09-05 02:15
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

#Recursive method for infinite classification function getTree($list,$pid=0,$level=0) {     static $tree = array();     foreach($list as $row) {         if($row['pid']==$pid) {  ......