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Drinking water to supplement minerals is not a good way

08:31, February 21, 2019 | Source: People's Daily - Health Times
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Original title: Drinking water to supplement minerals is not a good way

(Gu Chuanling, deputy secretary-general of the Capital Society of Health, Nutrition and Gastronomy) Many mineral waters will mark the content of calcium, magnesium and potassium on their packages, and in the propaganda, they especially claim that "this water contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and other natural minerals and trace elements needed by the human body", which makes people feel that this water is an important source of calcium, magnesium and potassium. In fact, compared with food, water is an important source of calcium, magnesium and potassium The contribution of magnesium and potassium is really small.

Returning to the actual market, 95% of the mineral water on the market in China is strontium mineral water or metasilicate mineral water. The research found that strontium is beneficial to maintain the health of teeth and bones, while silicon may play a role in growth and bone formation. However, mineral water is not the only source of strontium and silicon, which can also be obtained by human body through food.

In addition, there are some bottled water marked "drinking natural water" and "drinking natural spring water" on the market, which are easily mistaken for mineral water, but they are not.

(Editor in charge: Xu Xiaohua, Yang Di)

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