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Eating the right food can also improve mental symptoms

08:30, February 21, 2019 | Source: People's Daily - Health Times
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Original title: Eating the right food can also improve mental symptoms

(Lu Xiaobing, chief psychiatrist of Guangzhou Huiai Hospital) Eating "right" food may help improve the mental symptoms of patients, and may also prevent the risk of illness.

If you feel depressed, lack of motivation, dizzy and feel insignificant, the reason may not be entirely psychological.

"5-hydroxytryptamine" is the neurotransmitter that makes you "don't worry, be happy". It is responsible for stabilizing mood, regulating sleep, controlling appetite and participating in social interaction. During a certain period of women's menstrual cycle, the level of "5-hydroxytryptamine" will decrease, sometimes significantly, which makes them irritable and depressed. If someone falls into negative thinking and cannot extricate himself, this may be a sign of low levels of "5-hydroxytryptamine".

For those born with low levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine, they usually like to eat foods rich in carbohydrates, such as noodles, bread and high sugar chocolate, because carbohydrates can increase the "5-hydroxytryptamine level" and temporarily enhance happiness.

If you need carbohydrates that can increase the level of "5-hydroxytryptamine", you should not eat refined carbohydrates. They will cause inflammation, leading to increased blood sugar and insulin levels. Complex carbohydrates from plant foods such as sweet potatoes, apples, or sugar free dark chocolate can help you increase your serotonin levels.

Twelve kinds of food to increase 5-hydroxytryptamine level: sweet potato, hummus, apple, pear, peach, blueberry, banana, orange or orange, grape, fig, mango, pineapple.

In addition, four types of food beneficial to the brain are recommended. Seafood is rich in brain healthy ω- 3 fatty acids; Green leafy vegetables can provide rich cellulose, folic acid, manganese and vitamin K. Green leafy vegetables also contain a lot of flavanols and carotenoids, which are beneficial to the detoxification function of the liver; Nuts are rich in a lot of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which can keep us full and help us absorb fat soluble nutrients; Legumes and nuts are good sources of protein and other nutrients.

(Editor in charge: Xu Xiaohua, Yang Di)

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