My 2018 year-end summary

I haven't figured out what to write about this article, so I put it on hold until April.

2018 makes me know more about friendship and people around me.

In 2018, I had two failed relationships, and I can't say anything about this feeling. After all, both parties are at fault. Then forgive each other.

Sometimes you need to know more about each other to know if you are the right person. Maybe the person you like very much is not a person in the same world with you.

2018 taught me the value of friendship

Since my mother was found to have thyroid nodules, I have been very worried about this problem. How to say, maybe only losing can make people feel how beautiful it is to have. Cherish your parents, cherish every family member, cherish everything you have.

2018 has done a lot of interesting development

In 2018, a SilverBlog update was made, mainly to improve the security of the whole project, including replacing the insecure md5 algorithm. It can be said that the design was still too Navie, and many problems were directly used without clear consideration.

In 2018, I developed a new project: Telegram sms, which I have always wanted to do. When I was in college, I often missed answering the phone and didn't receive messages because I forgot to bring my mobile phone. This project implements the role of Imessage in IOS, which can connect mobile phones and desktops together. Personally, I'm very happy.


This year-end summary is long overdue. 2018 has ended and 2019 has begun. It's better to do well than to say anything. It's better to see today.


Has been very high-profile, in fact, is a clown. The technology is useless, but also pretends to be an ox. I like to think more about everything, but I often find that I think too much. The hobby is very simple, but the things made are often inferior. They are extremely harsh on their own works, and they are often the last ones to die. Half science, half engineering and half literary thinking, I still don't understand what this is. Everything is a floating cloud, just be happy.

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