Yinglan Xiaozhu

Three Ties in the Peach Garden

Dear Xiaolan Hello, when I was waiting for the traffic lights this morning, I looked up and saw a big gray machine. It happened that the background was also gray clouds. I hesitated to take it and flew away. Today, I saw the list of dance dramas pushed by barley. Unfortunately, the national tour of Dream of Red Mansions is not here. I envy Shanghai for this. It seems that many activities are rare

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Dear Xiaolan Hello, let's say happy birthday first. Today is the first day of your birth. As time goes by, the pace of life becomes faster and faster. People often keep a running account and share the circle of friends. It seems that they have left the campus of youth. After leaving that era, letters will leave us. Suddenly, I miss The Past Slow

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When I got the handle I bought on the Double Twelfth Festival, I experienced it. Although I am not familiar with key operation, it is much more comfortable than playing games with keyboard and mouse. Chayan's tea bag also arrived, and she drew a bag of light green tea. At the beginning, I wonder if it was a bit long and bitter. Later, with warm water, you can feel a little sweet. But the betel nut sugar from Chayan

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Two days ago, I met Millennium Dance at Station B, and just watched part of it, I ordered the chase drama. Now after watching the latest issue, Amway cannot help coming out. Henan Satellite TV has really found its own direction. This time, it cooperated with Station B to enlarge the move. Five dance promoters and 13 top dance troupes, together, incarnate the ancient characters on a four-way tour, and wrote the book "Twelve Phoenix Dancing Annals..."

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I love that the APP side of my home has privately used the user account to send price inquiry information. On October 2, I downloaded my love home app on my mobile phone (which has not been used for a long time before). After logging in through my mobile phone number, I found a large number of recent chat records in the information, and even several records of accounts actively sending inquiry information. The latest one is still half a dozen

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Seeing that there were still tickets for New West Wing on Friday, I bought one on Sunday, which was the last scene of Fanxing Drama Village and the first time I watched Ding Yiteng's play offline. I haven't read the traditional Western Chamber story for the time being, but it can be seen that it has been changed a lot. Shuttle between ancient and modern times, tradition and fashion, through the dialogue between ancient and modern, telling the story of young people carrying

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Past 2020 Although the new job has become outsourcing, it doesn't need to work overtime frequently. It feels good to pay on time. I bought the most expensive laptop currently, Dell xps13, during the Double 11 Festival. After a while, I found that I would spend a few seconds to a few minutes on the screen from time to time, and then I would be fine again. I am still trying to capture the screen for the time being

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I had an interview this morning and opened my first intermediate interview this afternoon. The guy opposite may be outside because the signal is good and bad, and the noise also appears from time to time, so I can only listen to it as much as possible. From the project to the spring bucket, the database, and the JAVA foundation, sometimes I feel like reciting the topic, and sometimes I feel very superficial

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The current version is Han Costume Merchant 4.0 As of May 20, 2019, based on the previous version and 2018 version of "Hanfu Merchants 3.0" and its revised version, as well as the relevant feedback from colleagues across the country, we have compiled a draft of the latest Hanfu Merchants' Anthology of 2019 - Hanfu Merchants' Anthology 4.0. Please consult and correct it for new ideas

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Every Christmas, most people often hear Jingle Bells (at least I am). Have you ever tried to make Kangkang dance meet Christmas? The Christmas Can Can (Album Version) is such a cheerful Christmas song. The first time I listened to Kangkang dance music was in Waldemar Januszczak

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