Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

Hello, boys and girls, I'm the big cousin. Today, I will share 19 useful letter symbols for electrical equipment. Hello, boys and girls, I'm Big Brother. Today, I share 19 easy to use electrical equipment letter symbols with you. Cause l: live line zero line (red bar) n: neutral point (green line). PE: ground wire (yellow green two-color wire). Many 220V electrical equipment or high-power appliances will be marked with L and N. These two points are the contacts of switching power supply. In addition, switches and sockets will also be marked. Many 220V household appliances or appliances will be marked with l and n, which is also the contact point of switching power supply

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Script design is a very important part of video creation. Although the short video is only 60s, or even 15s, every shot in an excellent short video is carefully designed by script. Therefore, if you want to create an excellent and popular short video, you must learn how to design scripts. Today, we will mainly elaborate from the following aspects: 1. What is script design 2. Preparation for script design 3. Script production skills 4. Script template What is script design Many kids have only a little knowledge of script design, and only know how to shoot short videos based on local experience. In general, script design

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

Quantitative investment refers to the use of contemporary financial industry, electronic computers and mathematical courses to quantify and analyze everyone's trading concepts and scientific research achievements into a considerable mathematical analysis model, use software technology to carry out data processing methods, analysis and models, carry out management decisions and submit orders, and replace human subjective discrimination with excellent mathematical analysis models, It can get rid of people's strengths and cognitive biases, prevent making irrational decisions in the extreme crazy or negative situation of the sales market, and strive to create stable, sustainable and above average excess returns. Therefore, investors should first have a quantitative analysis trading software that can

System advantages:

Complete set of symbols for electrical components - Complete set of common electrical symbols for electricians - Technical articles

Where to find copy video materials (share short video copy materials) - technical articles

What are the source codes of the trading website - online virtual commodity trading platform recommendation - technical article

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What we have

Electrical components

Hello, boys and girls, I'm the big cousin. Today, I will share 19 useful letter symbols for electrical equipment. Hello, boys and girls, I'm Big Brother

Copy video

Script design is a very important part of video creation. Although short videos are only 60s or even 15s long, every

Trading website

Quantitative investment refers to the quantitative analysis of everyone's trading ideas and scientific research achievements into considerable mathematics by means of contemporary financial industry, electronic computers and mathematics courses

speech recognition

Everyone knows that outstanding talents in AI technology can not only be highly valued by the company, but also receive better salary treatment, so

Raster formula

The grating ruler is a photoelectric device composed of a series of fixed distance straight lines. It is a dispersive component that uses the basic principles of light diffraction and interference to disintegrate light. widely

PC terminal reading

1. Mobipocket Reader in Chinese. It is a very excellent Kindle e-book reading software with simple and clear pages