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Zhuang Shi Ice Cream Cake

2015/10/10 Source: South Lake News Network Author:

Zhuangshi is a natural town, 3 kilometers west of Xinhuang Town, and now belongs to Fengqiao Town. At the beginning of the history of Zhuang, it was known as Zhuangsi City. During the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there were silk shops and oil tankers. Merchants gathered here and gradually became a market town. Hou Zhuang Si E wrote the history of Zhuang. According to the records of Jiaxing New Annals in 1927, there are silk shops, rice shops, yarn shops, wood shops, medicine shops, southern stores, cake shops, fish shops, meat shops, tea houses, etc. The nearby Luohantang River Crab and the town's ice-cream are well-known local specialties.

The ice-cream is produced by Wu Santai South Shop. Snow flakes are white and thin. There are eulogies on bamboo branches in the Qing Dynasty, but the method of making them is unknown. Wu Santai is also famous for Ma Sha Cake and Kidney Cake, but the method of making them is unknown.

(Japanese Aoki Zhenger referred to the method of making ice-cream in the book "Research on Chinese Famous Things", and quoted the article "Records of Qing Customs", which may be of reference value to Zhuang Shi's ice-cream. The article is as follows:

The method of making ice-cream is as follows: 200 yuan for glutinous rice, 120 yuan for cooked noodles, and 160 yuan for white granulated sugar (half bowl of oil, proper amount of water). The above three materials are mixed together, fully kneaded, loaded into a tin mold, fully squeezed as shown in the figure above, covered with thick paper, and put into a pot for boiling, so that the powder can start to emit heat After the flour is cooked, put it into the mold, cut it into three equal sections, pour it out, put it into the flour, take it out when it is cold, and cut it into thin slices for eating.)

Zhuangshi has a special terrain, surrounded by water, with Dongzhuang Bridge and Xizhuang Bridge as the access roads. There are only a few large stone slabs built on the bank of Huanhebang. The stone surface is smooth and clean, which can prove the prosperity of the past years.

label: Editor: Mo Lifen

South Lake News


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