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2018 Sino US Joint Exercise on Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Reduction Held in Nanjing

2018-11-18 11:08:17   China News Network

On November 17, the PLA Eastern Theater Army and the US Pacific Army held a joint exercise on humanitarian relief and disaster reduction in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The joint exercise took the earthquake disaster in a third country as the background, and China and the United States sent military and local experts to conduct in-depth exchanges around overseas humanitarian relief operations, disaster management and evacuation planning, and also conducted on-site exercises on disaster assessment, life search and rescue, medical aid, disaster shelter, disaster transfer and other topics. This joint exercise aims to share the experience of international humanitarian relief and disaster reduction between the Chinese and American militaries, and cultivate the willingness and ability of the two militaries to carry out joint disaster relief operations. Photographed by Yang Bo, a reporter from China News Agency

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Edit: Li Xueping


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