Zhonggong Military

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"Wonderful Soldiers" from the Sky on the Western Yunnan Plateau

2018-11-18 07:50:14   China Military Network

Special operations team members are ready to board the plane for parachute landing and actual jump.

In the early winter on the western Yunnan plateau, the sky is blue and the clouds are white, the mountains are cold and the water is cold.

In recent days, more than 150 key personnel of special operations organized by a brigade of the 75th Army Group took a certain type of transport helicopter for the first parachute landing training in batches and multiple sorties.

"The ground wind speed is about 5 meters per second, the upper wind speed is about 6 meters per second and the wind direction is unstable, the cloud layer is 500 meters..." At about 10 a.m., the command post received the report from the ground meteorological station.

For the first time, many officers and soldiers muttered about the complex terrain in the wild. "Comrades, look at me, follow me." In the cabin, in order to ease the tension of officers and men's first parachute jump, the brigade commander kept encouraging everyone.

"At an altitude of 800 meters, you can start parachuting." When the plane reached the preset altitude, the commander gave the command of parachuting decisively.

"Jump, jump, jump!" With the order of the release officer, the special operations team members jumped out of the cabin in turn according to the action requirements. Suddenly, white umbrella flowers blossomed in the air.

"High altitude parachutist, your umbrella is open well, pull left and right, avoid left and right neighbors, and operate toward the center." On the landing field, the ground guide gave a calm and decisive command.

"I was both nervous and excited for my first parachute jump. Through this jump, my courage and ability are growing." Liu Bolin, a backbone of special combat who has just completed his first jump in life, said excitedly.

After the first jump mission was successfully completed, the brigade officers and soldiers did not return to the camp immediately, but under the guidance of the coach, held an experience exchange meeting to summarize the gains and losses in the process of parachuting.

Next, they will gradually popularize the parachute jump course to all special operations team members according to the training plan and the training mode of "backbone first, then all members" to ensure that everyone participates in the training. Everyone can master parachuting skills and strive to be a parachuting "wonder".

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Edit: Li Xueping


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