How to deal with baby diarrhea? Parents should avoid falling into these three misunderstandings

Xu Wei


Infants' viscera are delicate, gastrointestinal function is not perfect, and diarrhea will occur if they are not careful. When dealing with baby diarrhea, many parents have misunderstandings. For example, some parents will quickly take medicine for their baby in order to make it better; Some parents think that diarrhea will cause dehydration of the baby, so they should replenish water for the baby in time; Some parents think that the baby needs to fast after diarrhea, so they do not give the baby food. So, are these practices of parents correct?

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On August 16, 2016, the pediatric emergency room of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital was full of patients, and doctors were treating children. (Picture of Wang Chu/People)

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First of all, when the baby has diarrhea, blind medication is not advisable. According to China Daily, Babies' diarrhea can be divided into three types: physiological diarrhea, feeding diarrhea and infectious diarrhea. The first two types of diarrhea generally do not need medication, while infectious diarrhea needs medication under the guidance of doctors. Therefore, if the baby has diarrhea, parents should not give him or her antidiarrheal without authorization, but should use the medicine reasonably and normatively under the guidance of a professional doctor.

secondly, Diarrhea needs timely rehydration, but more attention should be paid to rehydration. Beijing Channel of People's Daily Online pointed out that in order to prevent infant diarrhea and dehydration, it is necessary to give oral rehydration salts (ORS) to babies at the beginning of diarrhea. The specific dosage should be advised by professional doctors. Generally, the dosage should be 50ml for babies less than 6 months old; For babies aged 6 months to 2 years, the dosage should be 100ml; For babies aged 2~10 years, the dosage should be 150ml.

It is worth noting that some parents will make their own rehydration salts, that is, add sugar and salt to the boiled water to replenish water for their babies. However, reminds that this is not appropriate, because it is not easy to master the proportion of salt and sugar in the boiled water. If too much sugar is added, it will aggravate diarrhea symptoms; If too much salt is added, the baby will lose more water from his body, leaving his blood in a high sodium state, which may cause convulsions, brain cell damage and other consequences. Therefore, parents had better go directly to the hospital to buy rehydration salts.

In addition, as for whether the baby needs to fast after diarrhea, Science and Technology Daily pointed out that it is generally not necessary for the baby to fast after diarrhea, but care should be taken to avoid giving the baby vegetables, fruits and high sugar foods containing crude fiber. If your baby's diarrhea symptoms are mild and repeated, you can give your baby some probiotics properly, which will help improve the intestinal function and prevent diarrhea. If the baby has frequent diarrhea, nutritional iron deficiency anemia may occur due to indigestion. In this case, parents are advised to give the baby more egg yolks, red dates, meat, etc.

In this paper, Zhang Lieping, the deputy chief physician of pediatrics in the Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine of Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, conducted scientific checks. The current research fields of experts are the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases in pediatrics, infants and young children Health care, etc.

(Editor in charge: Liu Haotian, Yao Xinyu)