Do you have the consciousness of "after exercise" that bathing leads to hypoxia after exercise?

Xie Long


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On the afternoon of August 10, 2018, Deng Weitao, a 70 year old man in Nanchang, was working out in a gym in Pengjiaqiao. When he took off his coat, his chest muscles, abdominal muscles... showed up in front of people. Even the gym coach called Deng Weitao "teacher". (Houyu/people's pictures)

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Fitness can help us keep fit and relieve the pressure in life and work, but to achieve the desired effect, we must cultivate a correct "post exercise" awareness. So what can't be done after fitness?

First, don't stop immediately after exercising. If you stop and rest after exercise, it will lead to a large amount of venous blood stasis in the limbs, resulting in heart ischemia, and in serious cases, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shock and other symptoms will also occur, so it is best to carry out some low calorie activities to buffer after exercise, such as jogging, jogging.

Second, don't indulge in cold drinks after exercising. Exercise makes people dry and thirsty. If you want to be cool for a while and eat a lot of cold drinks, it is very easy to cause gastrointestinal spasm, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal diseases. Drinking mineral water or sports drinks is an ideal choice.

Third, don't eat immediately after exercising. After exercise, there is relatively less blood in the digestive organs, and the digestion and absorption ability is poor. If you eat immediately, it will increase the burden on the digestive organs, causing dysfunction of the digestive organs. Generally, digestion and absorption function will gradually recover after 20-30 minutes of exercise.

Fourth, do not take a bath immediately after exercising. After exercise, many people are used to taking a hot bath at once, which is not scientific. During exercise, the blood return speed in the body is accelerated, and the heartbeat will also speed up with the exercise. If you take a hot bath immediately, the blood circulation of muscles and skin will continue to speed up, resulting in insufficient blood supply to other organs of the body, which may lead to hypoxia in the brain, and even heart disease in serious cases.

Fifth, do not smoke immediately after exercising. Inhaling air in the lungs mixed with a large amount of smoke will reduce the oxygen content in the lungs, which is not conducive to the elimination of fatigue, and may also cause chest tightness, asthma, dyspnea, dizziness and fatigue.

Finally, don't drink coffee immediately after exercising. In this regard, Chen Chengliang, a registered dietitian of the Chinese Nutrition Society, reminded that the best time for body recovery is after exercise, and caffeine has a certain diuretic effect, and urination will accelerate the loss of water in the body, so it is not recommended to drink coffee within one hour after exercise.

Peng Guoqiu, the director of the outpatient department of Bayi Building of the First Affiliated (304) Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, conducted a scientific check. Expert fields: health preservation, clinical medicine, and psychological medicine.

(Editor in charge: Wang Jiajing, Yao Xinyu)