Isolation and Identification of a Bacillus sp. Strain and Its Role in Bioflocs for the Shrimp Culture System
投稿時間:2015-04-16  修訂日期:2015-04-29
中文關鍵字 芽孢杆菌  凡納濱對蝦  生物絮團科技  氨氮  亞硝酸氮  存活率  弧菌
英文關鍵字 Bacillus sp.  Litopenaeus vannamei  Biofloc technology  Ammonia-N  Nitrite-N  Survival rate  Vibrio
張歡歡 農業部海洋漁業可持續發展重點實驗室中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所青島266071中國海洋大學海洋生命學院青島266003 
王秀華 農業部海洋漁業可持續發展重點實驗室中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所青島266071 
李晨 農業部海洋漁業可持續發展重點實驗室中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所青島266071 
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      從對蝦養殖池中分離到1株細菌(編號2013042402,簡稱菌株02),分別用16S rDNA序列比對法和細菌全細胞脂肪酸氣相色譜法對該菌進行鑒定。結果顯示,菌株02為芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)。為探討該芽孢杆菌在生物絮團對蝦養殖中的使用效果,實驗分別設定加菌加糖組(菌株02的量為2.0×104 CFU/ml,蔗糖量為餌料的70%)、加菌組、加糖組(生物絮團組)及空白對照組,研究了菌株02對養殖水質(溫度、鹽度、溶氧、pH、氨氮及亞硝酸氮)、對蝦存活率及水體中主要菌群組成等名額的影響。結果顯示,加菌加糖組能顯著降低養殖水體中的氨氮和亞硝酸氮濃度,提高對蝦存活率。生物絮團對蝦養殖系統中添加菌株02,能够改善菌群結構,抑制弧菌生長。研究結果可為生物絮團對蝦養殖中定向培養有益微生物提供技術支援。
      In recent years there have been a number of outbreaks of lethal shrimp diseases caused by viral and bacterial infections in many countries,which hinders the development of shrimp culture industry.To protect shrimp from diseases,a lot have been done to improve the shrimp germplasm against disease,the shrimp culture technology,as well as the aquaculture environment.One example is the bioflocs technology(BFT)that helps eliminate harmful nitrogen sources,reduce water exchange rate,and increase the feed utilization rate.Probiotics such as Bacillus sp. could also improve water quality in the shrimp culture pond.In this study,we isolated a strain named 2013042402(Strain 02)from a shrimp pond.Strain 02 was identified as Bacillus sp. using 16S rDNA sequencing and gas chromatographic analysis of the whole cell fatty acids.To investigate the function of Strain 02 in bioflocs for the shrimp culture system,we added three groups into the culture system that were Strain 02(2.0×104 CFU/ml)combined with sucrose(70% of feed),strain 02 alone,and sucrose alone.Then we measured a series of physicochemical parameters of the culture system including temperature,salinity,dissolved oxygen,pH,floc volume,ammonia-N and nitrite-N. We also examined the growth rate and the survival rate of shrimps,and the compositions of dominant bacterial communities in the water body.We found that the Strain 02-sucrose combination significantly reduced the concentrations of ammonia-N and nitrite-N in the water and improved the survival rate and growth rate of shrimps.This suggested that Strain 02 added to the bioflocs could improve the aquaculture water quality,optimize the structure of bacterial communities,and inhibit the growth of vibrio,therefore elevate the survival rate and growth rate of shrimps.Our study implied that the bioflocs technology could be highly improved by the addition of probiotics.
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