Station building experience

The server

Virtual space VPS (lightweight cloud) - high configuration VPS independent server
Advanced development, the first choice is big brand Alibaba, Tencent, etc. See details
It is enough to choose virtual space for general websites. Those who like to make trouble can buy one that pays about $10 a year, and build their own environment and website.

domain name

The mainstream chooses COM, NET, etc., which are easy to remember for the public, while the minority depends on their own preferences.
Recommend mainstream domain name providers such as DNSPOD, HiChina, Western Digital, etc

Source code program

PHP is still the mainstream language
Personal blogs and small information websites: typecho, wordpress, emlog, z-blog
Forums: WellCMS, DiscuzQ, MDClub, discuz
Others: you can also find them online

CDN (not required)

Cloudflare (prevent from being D), Baidu Cloud acceleration (simply accelerate, return to the source after being D), etc

Miscellaneous talk


Since 20 years ago, I have worked a lot of chickens and I am tired. There are gains and losses.


The first foreign vps that entered the pit this year are hostmem's. This vps has been stable for nearly half a year, and it only went down once for several hours. I bought two 9.9 yuan annually, one is 1H1G60GB100M1T, the other is 20G storage, and the scores of both are more than 300 points and close to 400 points. The broadband is also very good, it is CN2-GT line, and basically 100M can run full.
The first domestic chicken is Huawei Cloud, with a score of about 1200. The second is that Ali's has not run too far. Domestic machines are all small broadband, below 5M. Filing is a must, otherwise it can only be accessed through IP: port. It seems that the ports need to be opened manually, and the security is quite high.
I also bought a lot of other machines. I got a RACKNARD Double 11 2H2G35G1G3T. The score was about 1200, which was very stable, although it is said that it is OK after running. Virmach got three, two of which were robbed by Black Five himself, and one of which was collected in loc. At present, this company is very good, and it is really stable. Pr launched a lot of flash purchases this year, but I'm too tired to buy. It's said that there are many services and routines, so I should be careful to get on the bus. Ruvds machine is OK, unlimited flow, recommended by Unicom. And the fake shark, the 15 dollar one, don't be fooled. Gullo's is very good. You can play it. The free v6 chicken of Wishing and Euserv is excellent, and Eu has to renew it manually now.
Finally, labor creates value. No matter how many chickens are useless in the hands, they can't escape the fate of eating ashes. It is a waste to buy useless chickens cheaply. After doing so many chickens, look back: pagoda is really fragrant, one click script is really convenient, the tutorial of the big guy is great, and repeat the cycle of buying chicken, measuring speed, eating ash, and buying chicken again. Wasting money without saying (doesn't it look like buying fried chicken?) also wastes time. After spending time and energy, I learned superficial things, which may be something that others can learn in a day.

domain name

I have bought a lot of domain names. There are about 10 on dnspod and only a few websites. Cn must be a real name, and foreign countries generally have domain name protection. COM suffixes are still the mainstream, but new suffixes have greater investment value (personal view), especially wang, fun, xyz, etc. The charm of the website is not the website, but the value of content and creativity.

Online disk

The onedrive and google drive are also very full. I don't know what you can do if you ask me. The domestic speed is worrying. The 21Vianet version of onedrive (vip. tg) has also experienced rollovers. The earliest A1 version is quite stable, but the straight chain speed is worrying. It can reach 4-5MB/s in good times, and about 100KB/s in bad times. Not to mention GD, online is good to say that it really takes a lot of effort to move resources to local.
Baidu online disk is reliable and easy to worry about. It is possible to swallow files. Remember to pack, compress and encrypt copyrighted videos before uploading them for backup
Ali's team building, the internal test 2T is very fast, and its stability remains to be seen. (Benchmarking office365)
Alibaba Cloud disks are also waiting to be seen. (Benchmarking Baidu online disk)