Alibaba International Station Intellectual Property Protection Rules

Original text: International Station Rules Update date: 2022-02-17 Effective date: 2022-02-24

1、 Infringement of intellectual property rights

Alibaba International Station (hereinafter referred to as "International Station") is committed to intellectual property protection, and users are prohibited from releasing, selling or promising to sell products suspected of infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties without authorization.
If a user releases information suspected of infringing the intellectual property rights of a third party and sells or promises to sell goods suspected of infringing the intellectual property rights of a third party, it may be complained or reported by the intellectual property owner. The platform will also randomly check the store information, commodity information, product group name, etc. If it is suspected of infringement, the information and goods will be returned or deleted, Penalties will be imposed according to the type of infringement.

The corresponding account punishment standard (unless otherwise specified, the penalty points of the whole international station are accumulated), see Alibaba International Station User Violation Punishment Standards

1. The international station will punish users who violate the rules according to the status when infringement complaints are accepted;
2. All complaints of general violations and copyright infringement are established on the same day, and the accumulated points deducted shall not exceed 6 points. For general violations of trademark rights or patent rights, the "establishment of the complaint" here refers to that the respondent has been complained about by the same intellectual property rights, and has not initiated a counter notice within the specified period, or has initiated a counter notice, but the counter notice is not established; For violations of copyright infringement, the "established complaint" here refers to that the respondent has been complained by the same copyright owner, and has not initiated a counter notice within the specified time limit, or has initiated a counter notice, but the counter notice is not established;
3. Within five days after the user is first complained, a complaint based on the same intellectual property rights against general violations of trademark rights and patent rights, or a complaint from the same copyright owner about infringement of copyright, shall be deemed as a complaint;
4. All serious violation complaints established within three days after the user was first complained of ("complaint establishment" refers to that the complained party has been complained of an intellectual property right and has not initiated a counter notice within the specified period of time; or has initiated a counter notice, but the counter notice is not established) shall be regarded as one violation calculation.
5. For sampling inspection at the international station, 2 points shall be deducted each time, and no more than 6 points shall be deducted within one day; In case of serious violations (including but not limited to disputes over the sale of counterfeit goods), 4 points will be deducted each time, and no more than 12 points will be deducted within one day.
6. Infringement scenarios include but are not limited to: commodity information (title, attribute, detailed description, picture, video, etc.), store information (store name, store decoration, etc.), interactive information, and transaction, evaluation, and dispute links. If a user commits an infringement in the above different scenarios, the platform will impose a separate penalty, and the penalties will be superimposed.
7. The International Station has the right to punish users for violations and infringements of their goods/stores, including but not limited to: (i) deduction of points; (ii) Return, remove from the shelf or delete goods/information; (iii) restricting the release of goods; (iv) freezing accounts; (v) Close the account. For the user whose account is closed, Alibaba International Station has the right to take appropriate measures to prevent the user from registering to open a store or selling or promising to sell on the international station again.
8. Under certain circumstances, the International Station reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the membership agreement or service contract, freeze all or part of the user's funds on the International Station, directly close the user's account and associated account, and/or implement other measures deemed appropriate by the International Station after independent judgment of the International Station:
-Users repeatedly infringe, or the store has serious circumstances such as evading the sale of fake goods, or providing false vouchers;
-The obligee files a lawsuit or legal requirement against the International Station;
-The user is sued by the obligee for infringement, or filed by the judicial, law enforcement or administrative authorities;
-As required by judicial, law enforcement or administrative authorities, the International Station disposes of accounts or takes other relevant measures;
The definition of avoiding the sale of fake goods: "Merchants deliberately hide or cover up information related to commodities, including but not limited to hiding illegal information at the level of commodity information, or circumventing the platform's supervision of selling infringing commodities in other ways, including but not limited to selling commodities by deliberately covering trademarks, smearing trademark logos, or using any logo that causes confusion to consumers, or using off-site diversion to sell infringing commodities Right goods. "
9. Each violation is valid for 365 days from the date of punishment;
10. The International Station reserves the right of final interpretation, decision and all rights related to the above handling measures;
11. The International Station has the right to revise and publicize these rules in a timely manner according to the adjustment of laws and regulations, changes in the business environment and other factors, and the revised rules will take effect on the date specified in the publicity;
12. This rule is an integral part of the rules issued by the International Station. If this rule is inconsistent with other rules issued by the International Station, this rule shall prevail. For matters not covered in this rule, other rules issued by the International Station shall prevail;
13. In case of any inconsistency, ambiguity or conflict between the Chinese and non Chinese versions of the Rules, the Chinese version shall prevail.