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Disease profile

  • Disease name: AIDS
  • Part: Reproductive part
  • Department: STD Department
  • Symptoms and signs: typical AIDS has three basic characteristics: ① severe cellular immune deficiency, especially CD4T lymphocyte deficiency; ② Occurrence of various fatal opportunistic infections, especially Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; ③ Various malignant tumors occur.

Etiology of AIDS

AIDS originated in Africa, and was also distributed among Haitian youth in 1979. Later, it was brought to the United States by immigrants. In 1981, the United States reported the discovery of a retrovirus that can damage the human immune system. In 1983, Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in France and others first isolated a virus, which was then named lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV). In 1984, Gallo et al. of the United States isolated the virus from the living tissue of a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, named HTLV - Ⅲ, and Levy isolated the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome associated virus (ARV) in the same year. These viruses are identified as the same virus and belong to the retroviridae. Later, in July 1986, it was named as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), also known as HIV, by the International Committee on the Classification of Viruses. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an RNA virus, which can be cultured in the lymphocyte line in vitro and belongs to Lentivirus of Retroviridae. So far, two types of human immunodeficiency virus have been found: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2).


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The doctor said

Xu Keyi
Chief Physician, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Beijing Ditan Hospital

AIDS represents a new kind of infectious disease, which is transmitted through blood and body fluids
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