People's Network Health · Life

Zero information, no response

Hehe makes people unable to talk

Ding Siyuan, a national second-class psychological consultant

07:53, November 18, 2018 Source: People's Daily - Life Times

"Hehe" was originally just an onomatopoeia of laughter, but when used as a network term, it is different: "hehe" was elected the most hurtful chat word of the year. Some researchers have studied the "hehe" function in the network and found that when "hehe" appears in the context of "answering", it is usually "non supportive feedback", that is, "I disagree", "I have nothing to say", etc. Therefore, many times when we say "ha ha", it means the end of an online conversation. Why does chatting stop at "ha ha"?

When we interact with people, we will use many ways to judge the feelings and attitudes of the other party at this moment, and use this as a basis to adjust our coping style to achieve the goal of "chatting well". In face-to-face conversation, the other party's facial expression, body movements, tone, tone and other nonverbal information will become our important judgment basis. As for the specific content of speech, its referential value is far lower than that of nonverbal information. When chatting online, we can't accept nonverbal information and can only judge by words. This leads to misunderstanding in online chat. "Hehe" is one of the most easily misunderstood expressions, and "oh" is similar to it. Their common feature is that the amount of information conveyed is almost zero, even not a response.

The essence of communication is to respond to the content sent by others and convey your own ideas. For young children, if they feel that the other party does not respond or does not respond in time during interaction, their emotions will fluctuate greatly. Psychological research has found that if the baby sends a signal to the mother, and the mother can give an accurate response, the baby will not feel frustrated; On the contrary, if mother responds slowly, frustration will arise. If the baby is always frustrated, even if the mother basically doesn't respond, then the baby will reduce or even no longer respond to the mother, so the communication will slowly stop.

The same is true for adults. In expressions like "hehe" and "oh", we can't judge each other's feelings about what we say and what they want to express. The connection between the two people seems to be broken here. This lack of response will make us feel frustrated, rejected and ignored, and it is naturally difficult to continue chatting.

Therefore, if you really don't know how to respond, even saying "I don't know what to say" is more appropriate than "hehe".

(Editor in charge: Xu Xiaohua, Yang Di)