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Food is the switch of mood! Eating too much will make you feel better

07:47, November 18, 2018 Source: People's Daily - Health Times

Have you ever been like this: when you are in a bad mood, you go out to eat with your good friends; When the pressure is high, you want to eat some super spicy food; When you are angry, you will be "happy" by eating some crispy food and listening to the "click" sound... In fact, many foods are mood switches.

   Red List Food

Whole grains, vegetables and fruits, sea fish

I know some food nutrition knowledge, and will not eat those foods that are high in fat and sugar, but what should I eat to alleviate my negative emotions?

Comment: The influence of food on emotion is that some ingredients in food can change the concentration level of some neurotransmitters in the blood. Some nutrients in food are the precursors of these neurotransmitters. For example, vitamin B1, B6 and folic acid can alleviate depression; Pantothenic acid and vitamin C can reduce stress; Nicotinic acid and vitamin D can calm mood and eliminate anxiety; The calcium in minerals is conducive to emotional stability; Iron helps to overcome tension and anxiety; Zinc can suppress depression and improve people's attention; Magnesium has certain calming and antidepressant effects.

Imagine that when you are crazy about your work, your colleague gives you a piece of whole wheat bread and says to you: Eat it, you will feel better. It is true. Whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes, brown rice, germ rice and other foods contain rich carbohydrates and B vitamins, which can maintain the stability of the nervous system, increase energy metabolism, help fight stress, and are good antidepressant food.

Vegetables and fruits also contribute. The rich vitamins and phytochemicals contained in them can improve the chemical properties of the brain and keep the brain in good working condition. For example, often eating lotus seeds, lotus roots, red dates, longan, etc. has the effect of nourishing the mind and calming the nerves, which is helpful to alleviate anxiety and depression; Various sour fruits are rich in vitamin C, which can alleviate negative emotions; Red foods such as tomatoes are natural gifts to improve anxiety; Bananas, melons and pineapples contain an amino acid that can help the human body to produce a "happiness hormone" to help people overcome depression and relieve tension.

Another interesting thing is that pink food can make people feel warm, orange food can stimulate appetite, red food can make people excited, green food can stabilize emotions, etc.

Eating fish can also help. Research shows that most people around the world who live by the sea are happy and healthy. Sea fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, etc., contain some fatty acids that are beneficial to improving mood, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which can block the nerve conduction path, increase the secretion of serotonin, and reduce psychological anxiety.

Some people like to eat a piece of chocolate when they are under great pressure, which actually makes sense. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate with more cocoa content, is the "killer" of depression. Chocolate contains a phenylethylamine substance, which is the "love hormone" produced in the brain of the lover in love, and can promote the growth of people's good mood.

   Blacklist food

Fried chicken legs, French fries, super desserts

Comment: When you are in a bad mood, you can eat sweets and eat a big meal. Now it is "cool". But in the long run, it will not make you happy, but will play the opposite role.

Some people like to eat crunchy food when they feel angry, as if they can dissolve all unhappiness into the "click" sound, and regard it as a way of physical decompression.

However, if you think about it carefully, from the perspective of nutrition, the crispy food we can eat is often high in oil content, high in calories and easy to be addicted to.

For example, crispy potato chips, various dried fruits and vegetables, crispy biscuits, etc., although they taste good, they use a lot of oil in the production process, so we should eat less of these foods!

For example, when you are satisfied with a full meal of "junk" food, but wake up the next day, you often feel a nameless depression. Maybe this is the side effect of this full meal, adding more trouble.

Some people, unhappy, go to eat fried chicken legs, French fries. I want to tell these people that your tongue may like these delicacies, but your brain does not.

Fried food is rich in saturated fatty acids, and it takes a long time for the stomach and intestines to digest, so that the blood that should be supplied to the brain is diverted to the digestive system, resulting in slow brain response and inability to concentrate. Therefore, no matter at any time, we do not recommend that you eat a lot of fried food.

Moreover, too much high-fat food will lead to the increase of cholesterol in the body, which will slow down the blood flow, and the body cannot get enough oxygen to support the normal operation of the brain and body organs. Therefore, you will easily feel tired, sleepy, etc., can not lift the spirit, and can also cause vascular sclerosis, and then raise high blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure is an important reason for people's emotional instability.

"So, it's OK to eat something sweet?" Maybe the mouth is satisfied with the desire for food at the moment, but in fact, when sugar is decomposed to generate energy in the human body, it will produce metabolites such as pyruvic acid and lactic acid, which are decomposed by enzymes containing vitamin B1. Once vitamin B1 is insufficient and the metabolites are accumulated in the human body, people will feel inexplicably angry Impulsive, self willed and other bad emotions, so you should eat less at ordinary times. (Nutritionist Fu Kang)

(Editor in charge: Xu Xiaohua, Yang Di)

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