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Staying up late often disturbs the balance, and eating fruits damages the spleen and stomach

Four Bad Habits Hurt Yang Qi

Reporter Lei Yan

08:36, September 21, 2018 Source: People's Daily - Life Times

Interviewee: Lv Peiwan, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Preventive Medicine of Henan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if you want to be healthy, you should first protect your yang qi. In the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, there is a view that "Yang Qi is like the sky and the sun, and if it is lost, life will be lost." It means that Yang Qi is like the sun in the sky, and if it is lost, life will be lost. However, some habits of modern people in life and work often damage Yang Qi. Lu Peiwan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Preventive Medicine of Henan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that four bad habits should be paid attention to.

Bad habit 1: staying up late. Young people have a lot of work pressure and entertainment activities. They overdraw their physical strength wantonly. They like to stay up late and consume their life very much. According to Lv Peiwan, activities in the daytime consume the yang qi of the body, while sleep at night can make the yang qi fully rest and recuperate. If the Yang Qi is not asleep at the time when it rises, and the Yang Qi is volatilized continuously, it cannot be stored and generated well, so as to disrupt the balance of Yin Yang Qi and blood in the body, resulting in poor resistance, chills, sneezing and other symptoms, and even affecting the function of various organs. Lv Peiwan suggested that Taoism naturally means health preservation. You should go to bed early and get up early, just like a chicken. You should get up at dawn and go home early to rest after dark.

Bad habit 2: eat too much fruit every day. Fruit is rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which is good for skin and body. As a result, many people eat a lot of fruit every day, and even eat fruit instead of food. In this regard, Lv Peiwan pointed out that although fruit is good, it should also be selected according to individual physique and eaten in an appropriate amount, otherwise it will harm the spleen, stomach and yang. There are three reasons: First, fruits are cold and warm. People with warm constitution can eat some cool fruits, such as melons, pomelos, bananas, etc; People with cold and cool physique can eat some warm fruits, such as peaches, mangoes, lychees, etc., to help balance the body. However, if a large amount of food is consumed blindly or regardless of constitution, it will bias the body state and affect the rising of yang qi. Second, the spleen likes dryness and hates dampness, and does not like cold. Fruits are mostly produced in autumn, so they have the air of autumn and tend to decline. Dry and warm can help temper and promote yang. Third, the function of the spleen and stomach of modern people is not strong enough. Some people feel cold, swollen or diarrhea when they eat fruit. They can not digest and absorb the beneficial ingredients of fruit, but also affect the qi of the spleen and stomach, thereby damaging the yang.

Therefore, we should choose fruits according to our own physique and spleen stomach function, and eat some fruits with normal temperature and moderate sex, such as apples, grapes, pineapples, etc., but we should also pay attention to the amount, which should not exceed 350 grams per day.

Bad habit 3: exercise at night. The pace of work and life is fast. Many people are not free to exercise during the day, so they run and play basketball after work to increase the amount of exercise. However, traditional Chinese medicine believes that in autumn and at night, rest is the main way to keep fit. Lv Peiwan said that the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine records: "On a day when people are popular, in the middle of the day, the yang is strong, in the west, the yang is weak, and the valve is closed." That is to say, the yang of the human body changes throughout the day. When the day is about to light, the yang gradually rises. At noon, the yang is at its peak, and in the afternoon when the sun is west, the yang is weak. Therefore, we should follow the principle of "receipt at dusk, without disturbing muscles and bones, without seeing fog and dew, and against these three times, the shape will be thin and sleepy", that is, we should fully recuperate at night, and maintain our spirit. Night sports will invoke the body's yang qi, reducing the kidney's ability to store essence. It is suggested that the exercise should not be too early or too late. It is better to start after the sun rises and end before sunset.

Bad habit 4: often drink herbal tea and medicinal tea to control fire. When they feel dry eyes and sore throat, many people will drink some herbal tea or make a cup of chrysanthemum tea or honeysuckle tea. However, Lv Peiwan stressed that "to eliminate fire", we should first distinguish between the false and the real. Repeated fire is mostly deficiency syndrome, and the common symptoms are dry mouth and bitter mouth, red and swollen eyes, oral ulcer, swollen gums, sore throat, nosebleed, dry stool, etc. At the same time, accompanied by dim tongue color, pale lips, thin white or slightly greasy tongue coating, light urine color and light smell, dry mouth and no desire to drink more, five hearts (hands, feet, heart) upset heat, insomnia and irritability, it is not advisable to blindly clear heat. Otherwise, Yang Qi will be consumed and the acquired constitution will be damaged. The real way to cure Shanghuo is to recuperate the spleen and stomach. It is suggested to mix various colors of food reasonably every day, keep a good mood, dispel bad emotions, exercise properly, walk about 8000 steps every day, and sweat slightly.

(Editor in charge: Li Yiqun, Xu Xinyi)

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