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There is a new standard for measuring obesity

08:27, September 21, 2018 Source: People's Daily - Life Times

Body mass index (BMI) is currently widely used to evaluate whether people's weight is reasonable. However, after research, scientists from the Hides Sinai Medical Center in San Francisco, California, USA found a more scientific body fat characteristic index - Relative Fat Mass Index (RFM).

Experts from various countries have always acknowledged that BMI indicators are not perfect. It does not take into account gender differences (women usually have more body fat than men); There is also no distinction between bone mass, muscle mass and excess fat, and the measurement results of children and the elderly may have a large deviation. It can be said that BMI has always been a rough indicator to investigate the problem of obesity. This time, the researchers worked out more than 300 formulas to estimate body fat based on the data of 12000 adults in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Nutrition Survey, and finally obtained the RFM calculation method. The specific measurement methods are as follows:

Measure your height and waist circumference, and then put the number into the following formula:

Men: 64 - (20 × height/waist circumference)=RFM

Female: 76 - (20 × height/waist circumference)=RFM

The normal range of body fat rate of adults is 20%~25% for women and 15%~18% for men.

The researchers said that the relative fat mass index is a better indicator to measure the degree of obesity. It can not only reliably judge whether a person's body fat percentage is in a healthy level, but also the measurement method is simple and cheap. During operation, you no longer need complex equipment such as scales, the only tool you need is a tape measure. (Guo Tieliang)

(Editor in charge: Li Yiqun, Yang Di)

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