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What is the "new vision of wisdom" depicted by the Summer Davos Forum?

2018-09-21 09:57:14 Source: Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, September 20, Topic: What "New Vision of Wisdom" was portrayed by the Summer Davos Forum?

Guo Fangda and Yin Siyuan from Xinhua News Agency

Today, a new round of scientific and technological revolution is emerging. The Summer Davos Forum has targeted the theme as the fourth industrial revolution for three consecutive years, highlighting the growing importance of the theme in the world. At the 12th Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin, heavyweight celebrities from the political, business and academic circles at home and abroad gathered to talk about new trends in intelligent technology and jointly draw a new blueprint for the intelligent era.

   Wisdom enters our life

Intelligent medical care, remote education, unmanned cars... With the vigorous development of the intelligent industry, many "tall and tall" technical words have specific projections in our lives. At a time when the intelligent industry is in the ascendant, we have been able to see the embryonic form of the future intelligent life.

The education industry has become one of the first footholds of intelligent technology.

"Students practice oral English through the teaching terminal, and the system conducts real-time assessment of voice and semantic content to intuitively understand their oral pronunciation and expression level. The system will also automatically summarize and analyze the overall English listening and speaking situation of the class, and show it to the teachers in a multi-dimensional way." The relevant person in charge of iFLYTEK said that teachers in some regions are weak, There is a lack of professional teachers, and English teaching is facing the problem of popularization in rural areas. Artificial intelligence can form a beneficial supplement to rural teachers.

As another field with broad application prospects in the intelligent industry, medical treatment has also attracted extensive attention from Chinese and foreign enterprises.

Chen Liming, chairman of IBM Greater China, a guest at the meeting, said that the application of AI in the medical field has always been the focus of the company.

"The IBM 'Watson Medical' system based on cognitive computing, big data analysis, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and other technologies can help doctors achieve more accurate and personalized diagnosis and treatment of cancer," said Chen Liming.

The data ecology that the intelligent economy relies on shows a good prospect in China. Liu Gang, director of the Economic Research Institute of Nankai University, said that with the help of Internet infrastructure, the Internet economy represented by mobile payment is accelerating its penetration into rural areas of China. The proportion of Internet users in rural areas who use offline mobile payment has increased from 31.7% in December 2016 to 47.1% by the end of 2017.

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Edit: Yang Jing

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