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US Treasury Secretary Mnuqin: The fourth phase of the rescue plan was launched this month, exceeding US $1 trillion

[ abstract ]The new relief plan will provide tax relief incentive policies to encourage enterprises to return to work. At the same time, the government will also provide "more incentive policies and amounts to the state government to encourage them to resume education institutions as soon as possible.

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on the 20th local time that the Trump government is expected to launch the fourth phase of the COVID-19 relief plan by the end of this month, with an estimated amount of more than $1 trillion.

△ Steve Mnuchin (photo source: Internet)

Mnuqin revealed that the latest rescue plan will focus on "children, employment and vaccines", and said that the new crown vaccine will be launched before the end of the year. The new rescue plan will provide tax relief incentive policies to encourage enterprises to resume work. At the same time, the government will also provide "more incentive policies and amounts to the state government to encourage them to resume education institutions as soon as possible." (CCTV reporter Liu Xu)

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