
Smart Campus

"Grab from the doll" is not a master key

Yang Yulong
2018-11-16 00:00:00


Traditional culture, rescue knowledge, tax law, drug control and AIDS prevention have entered the campus... According to the recent Half Moon Talk, according to incomplete statistics, more than 100 related jobs have tried to enter the campus in recent years, "starting from the doll". Many departments squeeze their own work into the curriculum through various channels, and even set tasks, indicators and inspections for schools.

It is not difficult to understand that some jobs really need to "start from the doll". Because one of the very important functions of education is to "bury the seeds", so that children have the desire to further understand. Moreover, the indoctrination of some knowledge is really important for children's growth. However, this does not mean that there is no boundary for "starting from a child". Moreover, too many excessive and illegal campus activities not only interfere with the teaching order, but also go against the growth of children.

Some things want to squeeze into the campus, big hands holding small hands, facing a variety of problems. For example, due to the lack of teaching materials, the shortage of teachers and the limited class hours, many campus activities become mere formality, and the school can only find ways to cope with them. Therefore, many "starting from the doll" jobs have become formality.

In order to reduce the negative impact of "starting from the doll" on education and children, first, we should establish rules and clarify the bottom line of "starting from the doll", adhere to the principle of "not disturbing the campus if you can", and prevent relevant departments from being lazy and pushing the task to schools and children.

Second, schools and parents should be given more voice. The lack of discourse power will inevitably lead to "starting from the doll". For example, some teachers said frankly that the purpose of traditional opera entering the campus is not that every child should be able to sing, but to inherit traditional culture. For this purpose, different schools should be allowed to adopt different approaches, and some work of "starting from a baby" should not be transferred to parents.

Third, we should pay attention to the follow-up effect of "starting from the doll". The reason why "starting from the doll" is too much and too excessive is that the relevant departments have grasped the weakness of the school - the school is easy to grasp and the children are obedient. As for the effectiveness of the work, it is often lively on the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the examination and acceptance of relevant work while standardizing "starting from the doll".

"Grab from the doll" is not a "master key". To promote relevant work, we should learn to respect the laws of education and the growth of children.

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
Edit: Zhang Min

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