Lab Experiment

EDSA Scientific

加值到your compounds with us


Outsoursing with EDSA Scientific

EDSA Scientific is a Medicinal Chemistry service organization with an experienced team specialized in the design and realization of focused compound arrays against specific biological targets。EDSA Scientific matured solid bases in the H2L sector,achieving top international publications,and fully committed to adding very important and special value to your compounds。 

EDSA Scientific is equipped with

  • Computational&Molecular Modeling Dep。

  • MedChem Lab

  • 分析装置

  • 格式部署

  • 国际日志部署

  • External ADME/Tox/BBB Partners

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Lab Experiment

Why EDSA Scientific?

Exclusive access to EDSA unique strategic reagents and chemical space。

多层次集成电路优化工程和lead progression into preclinical candidates

跨接式排水标志和medchem lab

可跟踪records of successful projects
