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Jimuyu helps customers in software industry to integrate marketing effect with product effect

2021-09-02 Label: Basic woodfish | Software Marketing |

Marketing Background

This customer is mainly targeted at the to B end market, providing enterprises with full scene and full link SaaS services such as WeChat applet, WeChat mall and WeChat live broadcast, which will be listed in 2019.

In the process of promotion and launch, the main pain points faced by customers are that the pages of their own official websites are outdated and the update is slow (the site needs to be scheduled for 2-3 months, and the website has not been updated for a long time); At the same time, there is no consultation on duty during idle hours, so the coverage of idle traffic is insufficient.

Marketing objectives

Covering free time traffic and improving the effective amount of clues. The total score method can be used for the design of the landing page of the basic wooden fish. In general, the self built station is replaced by the basic wooden fish. At the same time, customers' marketing activities are used for rapid support, and all self built stations are gradually replaced. Ensure that each screen has conversion components, the head map is well made, and the product functions are thoroughly used.

Marketing program

Product portfolio: basic wooden fish+form+oCPC

Release strategy adjustment: adjust the release period, increase free time+weekend=0-8 o'clock+21-24 o'clock, and monitor the effect data. For non idle traffic, please call the official website consultation+telephone number; Free time traffic passes through basic wooden fish+oCPC Collect clues in the form of forms by combining principal guaranteed expansion.

Optimize landing page: use basic wooden fish to improve the efficiency of station building. Landing page design highlights:

1. The highlight of the head picture is changed to the magic weapon sold by the merchants, which is aimed at the points concerned by the merchants.

2. The carousel map highlights the daily sales scenarios of merchants, and users are more clear.

3. The selling points are quantified and reflected in figures, and we call for participation.

Marketing effect

One week after the page was modified (8.8-8.14), the consumption trend was higher than that of the previous week (8.1-8.7), and the average daily consumption was+29% month on month.

The number of clues increased by 48.5%, and the cost of form conversion decreased by 14.2%.

Related recommendations

Enterprise special offers start to grab exclusive benefits on a first come, first served basis

*The promotion is only available to new cooperative customers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Tianjin

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The promotion can be started in three simple steps
Confirm the promotion intention -- open an account for you -- open your launch
Monday to Friday: 9:00-22:00
Weekends and holidays: 9:00-18:00
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