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Explore new territory and indulge in Pentium: FAW Pentium B70S Yuan Cosmos new car launched

2023-03-30 Label: brand marketing | Automobile Marketing | integrated marketing |

Marketing Background

As the first new car after the launch of the brand new strategy of FAW Pentium, the B70S is also the first independent car running SUV of FAW in China, shouldering the important communication milestone of launching the first shot of the new brand strategy. This new car gives consideration to multiple missions such as helping to expand the product layout of FAW Pentium brand, the brand's younger positioning, sharpening the brand's sense of cutting-edge science and technology and advanced technology display. Focusing on the background of new car listing, how to create an innovative and disruptive immersive new car experience conference has become an important topic of this marketing communication.

Marketing objectives

Think about the new release mode of Pentium B70S new car, focusing on four key communication goals: communication breadth, communication depth, innovative interaction, and young group influence.

Marketing program


1. Since June 2021, the concept of "meta universe" has entered the public's view overnight, and its attention has shown an explosive growth. From the perspective of Baidu Index search trend, the search term of "meta universe" was included in June, and the search index soared in August, reaching a peak by the end of 21 years. "Metauniverse" has also become one of the hottest Internet search terms in 2021.

2. With multiple attributes such as science and technology, trend, fashion, and traffic, the Metauniverse is a new outlet for Internet marketing that can be deeply excavated. Under this outlet, Baidu took the lead in seizing the opportunity of the concept of "Metauniverse" and landed the first Metauniverse platform in China - Baidu Greece. Based on Baidu Brain's leading ability in intelligent vision, intelligent voice, natural semantic understanding, knowledge mapping, and the powerful computing power of Baidu Intelligent Cloud, Xerox aims to provide the industry with a meta universe infrastructure platform integrating cloud and intelligence, help all industries to develop multiple application scenarios of "meta universe", and explore a new digital intelligent marketing model.

3. Among the user groups that pay attention to the "meta universe", through the analysis of user profiles, it is found that they are a new group of Generation Z people who are willing to explore, positive, trendy, and have independent personality. The post-90s are the main consumer force, and the second and third tier people account for more than 65%. It is highly coincident with the target user group of Pentium B70S new car - Yuexiang new generation group.

4. Focusing on the meta universe marketing, this launch conference of FAW Pentium is under the background of such a marketing timing, strong endorsement of technology, and high matching of people. With the help of the meta universe marketing hot spots, it will increase the traffic for the launch of new cars from the level of attention and topic, and develop new scientific and technological intelligent attribute marketing scenarios for the launch of new cars, so as to further deepen the brand's digital sense A new tone with a sense of technology and future. At the same time, the concept of "meta universe" is used to match the needs and preferences of young users, pull the distance between the brand and young groups, and drive young circle users to recognize and favor the brand. Under the escort of Baidu cloud technology and AI capability, FAW Pentium is bound to take this step towards the meta universe!


The marketing strategy layout plan of Pentium B70S Baidu Yuanuniverse new car launch: develop the industry's first new intelligent interactive marketing model with virtual and real scenes. Virtual scenes stimulate the attention of real scene brands, and real scenes guide the brand experience of virtual scenes.

Pentium B70S Cosmos Conference Create Three Super Highlights

Highlight 1: Super immersive press conference experience

In order to create a better visual experience, the Pentium B70S Metauniverse Conference adopts the form of combining virtual and reality, effectively combining real people with virtual scenes and virtual technology elements, fully demonstrating the sense of future science and technology of the conference, and at the same time matching various aspects of the conference to adapt to various scenes, such as the debut of a new car in the vast universe; Analyze the selling points of new cars in the science fiction style research room; Announce new car prices in Cyberpunk's future cities; Deliver the first car in a sci-fi style 4S store. Through rich scene changes, users can have a more interesting and fresh participation experience in the half hour release time.

In the viewing channel of the launch conference of Xerox APP, the audience can enjoy the whole conference around 720 °, gain a more immersive experience, and realize that 100000 people can witness the grand event of Pentium B70S launch conference and full of scientific and technological atmosphere on the same screen.

Highlight 2: exploration of ultra trendy brand digital exhibition hall

In addition to the immersive new car press conference, FAW Pentium has also established a brand digital exhibition hall in the Greek space, which shows the brand history, R&D technology and design concept one by one, and builds a long-term communication position of the brand in the virtual scene in a digital way.

In addition, the newly released 1:1 restore model of Pentium B70S new car is also in the digital pavilion, and users can deeply understand the selling points of new car functions through intelligent interaction. Abandoning the traditional text description of selling points, FAW Pentium Digital Exhibition Hall provides an exploration method for the renewal trend of young users, effectively further establishes the brand younger label, and pulls in the communication distance with the Z generation users.

Highlight 3: Super cool new car virtual test drive

Excluding the restrictions of multiple factors such as region, space, and time, users can now start the real trial ride experience in the virtual scene of the metauniverse in the app. In the new Pentium B70S new car, you can see the panorama of the Greek universe, feel the wonderful experience brought by the universe, and also have a unique test ride experience. Before the test drive, users can feel the interior space and 1:1 restored interior structure in person; In the test drive, click the interactive anchor point to display the interior selling points and give voice explanation; After the trial ride, the clues can be retained efficiently with the overall trial ride experience.

From offline to online, Effort from multiple positions to maximize the impact of the press conference

Based on the goal of fully detonating the attention of FAW Pentium's new car launch conference of the Yuan Universe, in addition to the marketing planning layout of the "Yuan Universe" virtual scene in Greece, with the help of Baijia's live broadcast, in the real world scene, " The grand event of the "Metauniverse" launch conference was presented to Baidu's ecological users synchronously, carrying Baidu's ecological search+tweet resources, high-quality resources like driving, social experts, etc., to boost the diffusion of new car listing events in an all-round way.

Tipping point 1: Surrounded by the volume of all media resources, the press conference comprehensively accumulates heat from multiple angles

Before the launch conference, FAW Pentium linked more than 10 digital technology big V around the topic to warm up and build momentum, radiating the cross-border crowd of digital technology; Cooperate with more than 100 online media to jointly warm up and voice; At the same time, with the help of five official media, including Globegroup, China Youth Network, China Youth Online, China Network, and International Online, we continued to spread the information of the Pentium B70S launch conference to the outside world, and release the influence of the full media resource matrix from the three levels of popularity, breadth, and authority.

Tipping point 2: double position communication to boost the live broadcast traffic of the press conference to the top

Effectively use Baidu Search+Push ecological resources and driving resources to cover all users and potential customers in the industry, and maximize the flow to the live broadcast room of 100 accounts.

At the level of Baidu search+push ecological resources, through the search of big cards, we can target the people who have search behavior related to the launch of new cars with FAW Pentium brand words, car model words and the universal words of the Yuan Universe. In the information scene, we can push the live broadcast information of the press conference with the help of information flow intervention, live broadcast bubbles, channel banners and other resource positions. At the same time, in the use of Baidu open screen resources, By means of general investment and precise orientation, ensure the accurate coverage of resource exposure and core population. Among them, general investment resources match different creative expressions according to different periods of the press conference; In addition, during the key period of the press conference, we focused on the search crowd for Pentium, Pentium B70S and the corresponding competitive words in the past three days through the way of Always.

In terms of the use of driving position resources, integrate the three end resources of APP+applet+vertical channel, comprehensively cover the circle of key users and divert to the live broadcast of the press conference. The dual position resource matrix was finally exposed for nearly 100 million times, releasing the ultimate influence for the release of Pentium B70S live broadcast.

Marketing effect

This press conference is an innovative attempt by FAW Pentium to continuously establish and deepen the brand's young label, deepen the awareness of the young circle, and link the "new generation" group. As the first car brand to create a new car launch conference on the Greek Yuanuniverse platform, FAW Pentium officially unlocked the new marketing scene of the new car launch. In the whole Yuanuniverse conference, 3.47 million live viewers, nearly 110000 brand and new car Baidu index growth, and 120 million total exposure were obtained.

Award presentation

  • Won the 2022 Top Digital - [Special Project - Metacosmic Marketing · Annual Special Award];

  • Won the Tiger Roaring Award in 2022 - [Interaction Technology Excellence Award];

  • Won the 2022 Baixiang Changli Competition - [Innovative Intelligence · Silver Award].

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