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MoBlog simple blog system v1.4

As a sample program of MoAspEngine, MoBlog only contains basic blog functions. MoBlog statement: 1. This program is made as a sample program of MoAspEngine, and the program details are not fully considered, such as the verification of background form data; The data verification of the foreground page has been processed in detail. 2. This program runs in the root directory by default. If you need to run in a subdirectory, please modify the configuration item of 404.asp. For example, if you want to run in the directory moblog, the configuration item is as follows MO_APP_NAME="App"
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    Blog system asp Access SQL Server
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    six thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight
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size 780KB
language asp
data base Access
data base SQL Server
Operating environment ASP/Access/MSSQL
Function introduction

As a sample program of MoAspEngine, MoBlog only contains basic blog functions.

MoBlog statement:

1. This program is made as an example program of MoAspEngine, and the program details are not fully considered, such as the verification of background form data; The data verification on the foreground page has been processed in detail
2. This program runs in the root directory by default. If you want to run in a subdirectory, please modify the configuration item of 404.asp. For example, if you want to run in the directory moblog, the configuration item is as follows

MO_APP_NAME="App" 'A random English name. It is recommended to use a combination of letters and numbers
MO_ROOT="/moblog/" 'The directory where default.asp is located. If it is set to null, it will be automatically obtained
MO_CORE="/moblog/Mo/" 'The path where the core is located. If it is set to null, it will be automatically obtained (this is unnecessary. Multiple APPs can use the same core)
MO_APP="/moblog/App/" 'The path where your current app is located. If it is set to null, it will be obtained according to MO_APP_NAME
MO_APP_ENTRY="" 'The entry file can be customized. If it is set to null, it will be automatically obtained

3. The core variable must be Mo. Do not change it to another name, that is, Mo in "Dim Mo: Set Mo=New MoAspEngine: Mo. Run(): Set Mo=Nothing" is fixed and cannot be modified



MoBlog simple blog system v1.4 update instructions:

Update the core (MoAspEngine) to the latest version 1.2.5


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