Deploy Typecho on SAE

There are two different ways to configure Typecho on SAE, namely, using AppStore to install and uploading code packages by yourself.

1、 Install using the Store

1. Create an application

get into SAE Application Warehouse , click Install Application, enter relevant information, and confirm to create the application.

2. Initialization setting

Enter, click Next Installation, fill in the website information, and the database information will be automatically loaded.

3. Obtain and modify the password

After confirming the installation, you will be prompted with the password of your account and asked to change the password.

So far, SAE AppStore has deployed typecho, and the next step is to enjoy a pleasant time of typecho

2、 Manually upload code configuration Typecho

1. Download the program

Download the Typecho package: , stable version or development version, free choice

After downloading, you need to unpack the tar.gz package and repackage it in zip format. 1)

2. Application deployment

1. Create an application

Log in to the SAE management console at, click My Application, enter the console, click Create Application, fill in relevant information, and complete the creation.

2. Complete deployment

Click the application name, enter the management console, and click Code Management to create a version.

Click the operation after the version number to upload the code package.

When prompted that the upload is successful, you can log in to your application for initialization settings.

The installation process will be suspended because cannot be created. At this time, you need to use Svn to upload or use SAE's online code manager to create

After the creation is successful, you can return to the installation page to continue the installation.

3. Set SAE attachment upload

SAE does not allow applications to write files, so attachments cannot be uploaded, but you can use the SAEupload plug-in in the forum to upload attachments.

Go to the application management interface, click Storage, and click New Domain to create a Storage with any name. Download the SAEupload plug-in in the forum and upload it using SAE.

Back to the typecho background page, click the plug-in to start the SAEupload plug-in, and set the storage name. The plug-in will automatically identify, and then you can upload attachments. At the same time, you can also use other cloud storage plug-ins to upload plug-ins.

4. Set pseudo static

On the application management page, click AppConfig to enter URL rewriting

Click Advanced Syntax to fill in the following code in the appconfig syntax and save it.

 - rewrite: if(!is_dir() && ! is_file()) goto "index.php?%{QUERY_STRING}"

Go back to Typecho to enable URL rewriting. When it is enabled, there will be a red word prompt. Ignore it.

xiqingongzi 2014/03/05 11:34

5. Bind independent domain names

Enter the background, click the application settings in the left column to enter the settings page

Click Add below, fill in the domain name you want to bind, and add. At this time, SAE will return a domain name similar to, and your domain name provider can add the corresponding Cname resolution. - xiqingongzi 2014/03/20 21:40

1) Include the relative path, and package the files in the build.