Installing Typecho on BAE

1、 Download program

Download the Typecho package: , stable version or development version, you can choose by yourself.

2、 Application deployment

1. Create app

Enter the BAE management console at: , click "Create Application", enter "Application Name" and save.

2. Add Deployment

Click the newly created application name to enter the application management page, and then click "Application Engine" on the left. The default is the deployment page. Click Add Deployment to add a deployment.

  • Name: self naming
  • Type: php web
  • Domain name: secondary domain name of BAE
  • Code version tool: just choose what you like
  • Number of execution units: it seems that there are at most two, and the newly registered account has one by default
  • Execution unit package: by default

After creating a deployment, you will see a row of buttons above: Manage Execution Unit, Publish Settings, View Log, Resource Monitoring, Delete, etc Most commonly used The issue is the release settings. The svn and git addresses we want are all in it. Secondly, every time the code is updated, they must be in the release settings Release the latest version And domain name binding is also done here.

In fact, if you want to use BAE, you should first be familiar with the code version tools, including git and svn. You can choose any of them. It is recommended that novices use svn (the following installation process takes svn as an example). It is best to read the use documents on the BAE official website first:

3. Add Extended Service

In our Deployment List Next to the button, you will see Extended service Button. Click it to add the button. What we want to add here is actually MySQL.

At this point, our preliminary preparations are ready. The next thing to do is the most important installation program.

3、 Setup

1. Configuration rules

First create a new one in the root directory of the installation package app.conf Write the following contents in the file:

 handlers : - url : / script : index.php - url : / ( .* ) .php script : /$1.php

After saving, upload all files to BAE space.

2. Perform installation

When you open the site, you will automatically jump to the installation interface, and then you need to configure the following:

(1) Database configuration

  • Database adapter: by default
  • Application API Key: can be seen in the application basic information
  • Apply Secret Key: Same as above
  • Database name: you can see it in the above creation extension service
  • Database prefix: default

(2) Create your administrator account

The content here can be configured by yourself.

3. Create configuration file

When you click Next after the above operation, you will be asked to create File. At this time, you only need to copy the code content prompted in the installation interface, paste it into the configuration file, and then upload and release the version. Remember to release a new version. Then, click Create to continue the installation.

After the above installation is completed, you will be prompted whether to enter the background or the foreground. Generally speaking, the background is used to perform some configuration operations. It should be noted here that Permanent link settings The rule configuration of BAE3.0 is very simple. If you need to configure a permanent link, you can set it in the background, and then app.conf Change the content of to the following:

 handlers : - check_exist : not_exist script : /index.php

So far, the steps of installing Typecho in BAE have been completed. I wish you a pleasant journey of Typecho!
