Kodak PixPro SL25

Kodak PixPro SL25 outdoor sample

——Parsing 1

  · Kodak SL25 Outdoor Low Perception Sample Appreciation

After the previous detailed explanation, I believe that everyone has camera I have a certain understanding. Finally, let's take a look at the live shooting performance of Kodak SL25. All samples are original images without any post-processing. Interested friends can click on the image to view the original large image.

Focal length: 27mm Aperture: f/5.5 ISO sensitivity: 143
Exposure time: 1/150 Exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Focal length: 5mm Aperture: f/3.6 ISO sensitivity: 100
Exposure time: 1/32 Exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Focal length: 5mm Aperture: f/3.6 ISO sensitivity: 100
Exposure time: 1/243 Exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Focal length: 8mm Aperture: f/4.0 ISO sensitivity: 100
Exposure time: 1/226 Exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Focal length: 5mm Aperture: f/3.6 ISO sensitivity: 100
Exposure time: 1/54 Exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Focal length: 27mm Aperture: f/5.5 ISO sensitivity: 800
Exposure time: 1/33 Exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

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