
Three main elements of N, P, K plant growth

Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the three main elements required for plant growth and development, commonly known as "three elements", and also the main components of macroelement fertilizers (compound fertilizers). They have an important impact on the growth and development of plants. 🔺 Role of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plant growth (easy to understand version) 1. Nitrogen (N):

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/16
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  • two hundred and fifty-six
  • 2023/12/16

    Tomato shoulder is green, and the handle is green without redness

    The green shoulder of tomato is a phenomenon that the shoulder of tomato is still green or yellow green after fruit ripening. It is almost the same as "strawberry and persimmon" tomatoes! This kind of green shoulder fruit is basically a physiological disease caused by the lack of lycopene. The main reasons for tomato green shoulder are as follows: Too much nitrogen fertilizer: too much nitrogen fertilizer will lead to

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/16
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  • 2023/12/15

    Copyright notice information at the bottom of the website ©

    It is often seen at the bottom of some websites that "Copyright ©” The first sentence means copyright notice. The complete sentence pattern is Copyright © [dates] by [author/owner]. All Rights Reserved. “Copyright  ©” Indicates that the work is protected by copyright, and the“ ©” Is copyright

  • knowledge
  • 2023/12/15
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  • 2023/12/15

    How to mix potato seeds, method and formula of potato seed dressing

    Seed dressing refers to the treatment of seed potatoes with chemicals, fertilizers, etc. before sowing potatoes. The purpose of seed dressing is to kill the germs and pests on seed potatoes, promote the germination of seed potatoes, and improve the yield. 🔺 When to mix seeds The cut potato tuber cannot be sown immediately. After the cut tuber is cut, medicament seed dressing should be carried out to make the cut heal and cork

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/15
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  • 2023/12/14

    The demand of potato for temperature and nutrients, and the growth stages of potato

    🔺 Temperature requirements for potato growth Potato (scientific name: potato) is an annual plant of Solanaceae and Solanum, which likes temperature and cool, and has certain requirements for the growth environment. When the soil temperature is above 5 ℃, the seedlings can sprout. The optimum temperature for stem and leaf growth is 15~25 ℃, and the tuber expansion and starch accumulation need 15~18 ℃. The temperature exceeds 25 ℃

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/14
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  • 2023/12/13

    How long are potatoes planted

    Due to the vast territory of China, the climate difference between the north and the south is very obvious. The south is warm and humid, suitable for potato growth, while the north is cold and dry, which has certain restrictions on potato growth. Therefore, different regions have different potato planting arrangements. The four main potato producing areas

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/13
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  • 2023/12/12

    What are the underground pests that harm potato tubers

    The damage of underground pests to potato resulted in yield reduction, quality decline, disease transmission and economic losses. Pests eat tubers, causing damage and decay, reducing production and commodity value. 🔺 1、 Potato Tuberworm Potato tuber moth, also known as potato wheat moth or tobacco leaf miner

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/12
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  • 2023/12/12

    How to disable 1536 and 2048 size pictures generated by WordPress

    When uploading large size images, WordPress will automatically generate 1536x1536 and 2048x2048 image sizes. This is WordPress version 5.3, which is introduced to support responsive design and high-resolution display devices. The relevant code is in/wp includes/media. php. We don't need this

  • code
  • 2023/12/12
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  • two hundred and sixty
  • 2023/12/11

    From the buyer's perspective, what should we do if Taobao fails to deliver goods as scheduled

    In Taobao transaction, the seller will promise the delivery time in the treasure. The estimated delivery time will also be displayed in the "To be delivered" after the baby is photographed. If the seller does not deliver the goods within the estimated delivery time, it is "not delivered as scheduled"   If the goods are not delivered within the time limit, you can make a complaint. Click "Official Customer Service" to enter

  • life
  • 2023/12/11
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  • 2023/12/9

    How to cut potatoes and sow them? Cutting technology and key points

    Potato tubers usually have about 10 bud eyes (the specific number varies with varieties), and each bud eye contains one main bud and two secondary buds, which have the potential to sprout into plants. Therefore, the bud eye on the seed tuber can be used as the seeding material by cutting the seed tuber into pieces. Especially when the tuber of seed potato is large, through

  • Growing vegetables&flowers
  • 2023/12/9
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  • two hundred and eighty-three
  • 2023/12/6

    In WordPress articles, only administrator visible content can be achieved through special tag settings

    Some contents in WordPress articles only want to be visible to the logged in administrator (himself). To implement this function, you can edit the functions.php file in the theme folder, and add the following code function admin-only-content($atts, $content = null) { //Check whether the current user is a pipe

  • code
  • 2023/12/6
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  • two hundred and seventy-eight
  • 2023/12/5

    Delapp solves the occupancy problem and easily forces the deletion of open source software files and folders

    Delapp is a file and folder deletion tool specially designed for Windows. It is an open source software with small size, and is designed to solve the problem that files or folders cannot be deleted because other programs occupy the project and cannot find the project (the project cannot be found). 🔺 Delapp download address Download Delapp 1.0 directly

  • Software
  • 2023/12/5
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