Free website map making tool - applicable to Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu

 Website map making tool SiteMap X can not only help you to quickly create a guided website map suitable for Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu and other major search engines, but also help you to analyze the optimization of internal links of websites and find web page problems (such as broken links, dead links and other factors affecting the SEO ranking of web pages) Permanent free website map making tool Without any skills, you can create a variety of website map formats (XML, GZ, TXT, HTML, etc.) that meet the needs of major search engines with a few simple settings.

The best free website map making tool Sitemap X

Automatically generate website map making tools in XML, GZ, TXT and HTML formats

Sitemap X can automatically generate website maps in four different formats according to your needs--- XML GZ TXT as well as HTML These four kinds of website maps are an indispensable part of search engine optimization. At the same time, Sitemap X can be automatically generated Robots.txt File to facilitate the search engine spider search.

Use website map file to accelerate page collection and improve SEO ranking

Site maps can help search engine spiders (such as Googlebot) find existing pages and update pages more quickly, facilitate spider crawling, speed up spider collection, effectively improve SEO rankings, and significantly increase your website traffic.

Use Sitemap X tool to find website problems such as broken links and dead links

Staggered and dead links not only affect users' access, but also stop search engine spiders from being included, thus affecting your website's user experience and search engine ranking. use SiteMap X Site Map Making Tool It is easy to find problems in the website, solve them in time, and ensure that the page is correct.

Use the Ping function of Sitemap X to automatically notify the search engine

SiteMap X can automatically notify (Ping) the search engine to include the page you just updated. This not only speeds up the collection of web pages, but also allows your website to change from passively waiting for the collection of search engines to actively notifying search engines to collect them, thus increasing the popularity of search engine spiders for your website and promoting the improvement of SEO ranking.

Automatically create and upload website map files using scheduled tasks

Sitemap X website map making tool has built-in task planning function and FTP function, which can automatically generate and upload website map files to your website space on time. Without operation, SiteMap X will bring you the most perfect SEO effect. Please try Sitemap X, a permanent and free website map making tool.




Importance of website map

Site map is the channel to link a website. Site map files are generally divided into HTML version and XML version.


The HTML version of the site map file can help visitors find the page they need faster. The XML version of the website map file helps search engine spiders better crawl the entire website, and will play a good role in promoting SEO ranking. Therefore, a website map file is a must for a good website.

About Sitemap X

Version No.:
File size: 1.78M
System requirements: Windows NT/XP/Vista/7/8/10
Date of issue: May 25, 2015


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