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 Louis Koo
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(2024-04-06 04:22)

Louis Koo

Even if we are familiar with each other again
But in the changing world
If you don't communicate well
There will be many problems and contradictions
Cultivate the habit of communication
Even if there is misunderstanding
We can seize the opportunity to resolve as soon as possible.
(2024-04-06 04:21)

Louis Koo

The more you have, the more secure you are
The importance of contentment
It is beyond imagination
In fact, most things in life
They are often dispensable
The key is whether we need it
And your own tolerance.
(2024-04-06 04:19)

Louis Koo

I believe everyone has felt uneasy
Or you can say that
Anxiety is a part of modern people.  

I think we should reduce or even eliminate this feeling
Is to have a clearer understanding of things
Only in this way can we quickly formulate response methods
First dispel the sense of uneasiness
Will not be about emotions.

Louis Koo

No matter how powerful
With personal strength alone
The scope of development and exploration is always limited
So mutual support is so important
Take shooting a movie as an example,
Colleagues in every position are equally important
Only by working together
To complete the extremely difficult task.

Louis Koo

The basic principles of interpersonal communication
Is not too far away nor too close
So I agree with it to some extent
The most important thing for me is to be able to receive each other's messages clearly
This is the most appropriate distance.
(2024-04-06 04:11)

Louis Koo

I believe that everyone has more or less designated actions in life
Some regular habits, etc
Help yourself to feel stable and calm
These activities are called "sense of ritual"
What does it represent for ancient fans?  
For me, it's a cup of fresh coffee every morning
This is something I will do no matter where I work.
(2024-04-06 04:09)

Louis Koo

Due to the nature of the work
I spend a lot of time on clothes
To meet various needs
But in the daily life outside of work
I don't care about clothes at all
Everything is based on leisure and comfort
Whenever a friend asks me what fashion is
I feel comfortable and natural
It is your own eternal fashion.

Louis Koo

At any time
Have rich imagination
It is always better than nothing
Especially as a writer or actor
I have to rely on my imagination to support myself
For example, science fiction, killers
We can't know what the real parallel universe is like
Of course, there is no experience value of being a killer.  

This cup of black coffee I drank today
Colleagues say it looks like Guiling Paste, ha ha!  
This is the interesting part of imagination.
(2024-03-29 01:25)

Louis Koo

I hope all the plans will come to fruition in the end
Because there will inevitably be emergencies
Therefore, the processing time must be included
Therefore, the content must be left blank
In particular, there is almost no work in the world that can be really completed alone.
(2024-03-28 12:12)

Louis Koo

As for the plan
I often hear the saying, "Plans can't keep up with changes"
I don't think the plan is as well structured as
In fact, leaving blank can also be a plan
Keep an appropriate amount of space to adapt to changes
It can also be to make full use of time.

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