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 Zhan Feng
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Zhanfeng vx17189499999

The strong will always be strong

Stock god



Classification: After hours brief review

It was said yesterday that some items of the "New National Nine Articles" were not explained clearly, which led to a lot of misinterpretations in the market. Fortunately, the managers explained them in time, which did not lead to the tragedy of continuous sharp decline. The closing index exceeded 3066.94 daily line, but at the same time, there was a signal of safe top escaping at the daily line level. That is to say, next, in addition to paying attention to whether the upward breakthrough and sustainability, we should also pay attention to the gains and losses of the long and short critical points!


Zhanfeng vx17189499999

The strong will always be strong

Stock god



Classification: After hours brief review

Yesterday I said that if we don't pull small and medium-sized enterprises today, they will be pulled down! The index finally closed at 3007.07, and 746 individual stocks fell by the limit, which disappointed ordinary investors! " The "New National Nine Rules" was originally a good thing for A shares in the medium and long term. Due to the unclear explanation of some items when it was announced, there were many misinterpretations in the market. Therefore, we must give a correct attitude next, or the short-term market will continue to weaken even if there is a rebound!



Zhanfeng vx17189499999

The strong will always be strong

Stock god



Classification: After hours brief review

The third "National Ninth Article" has excited many people. I reserved my opinion when reading it on the weekend. Why? There is no doubt that the medium and long-term benefits will be realized. How to implement them? Can it be implemented? It's a big problem. Today's market, the index is protected, but there are 317 down limit, which is estimated that many people did not expect. Therefore, if we do not attract small and medium-sized enterprises in the next step, maybe the index will be pulled down by small and medium-sized enterprises!

Classification: After hours brief review

After a week or so of tossing, today's index finally broke the critical point of the daily level! After the closing, China's capital market ushered in the third "National Ninth Rule". After careful reading, there are many inspiring things. However, no one can say whether next Monday will be another high and low. Because the next turning point is around "Guyu", what kind of changes can occur? Later, I will slowly give you an analysis, and hope you can control your position well!



Zhanfeng vx17189499999

Stock god

The strong will always be strong



Classification: After hours brief review

Today, the Shanghai index reached 3050.34 at its highest. When browsing the noon comments, I found that many people were excited! In my opinion, the king of short-term indicators at the daily level will not reverse the golden state, so it is unnecessary to talk about the height of the index. 3025.13 is the critical point of the daily level, and the closing can only be regarded as barely maintaining above it. Once the closing falls on a certain day, the technical aspect of the whole market will further deteriorate, and ordinary investors have to guard against it!


The strong will always be strong

Zhanfeng vx17189499999



Classification: After hours brief review

Yesterday, we talked about the critical point of 3025.13. Today, the intraday index once broke through this point. Although it closed at 3027.33, which proved by a slight advantage that this negative line may be a wash up, if it does break through effectively in the next trading day, the market as a whole will become extremely pessimistic. In particular, the index of the king of short and long on the daily line, which is now a declining trend, will not be golden. If it can not be reversed soon, it will be a big probability event that the market continues to fall!



Zhanfeng vx17189499999

The strong will always be strong

Stock god



Classification: After hours brief review

Today, the market is still weak. Although the number of individual stocks rose to 4165, it did not have much positive impact on the market technology. That is to say, the current short-term king of the Shanghai daily index line is a golden state. If the reversal cannot be achieved in the short term, once the opening is enlarged, there may be a rapid and powerful decline. In this regard, we must be highly vigilant!


The strong will always be strong

Stock god

Zhanfeng vx17189499999



Classification: After hours brief review

Today, after the market surged, there was a downward trend, which was diametrically opposite to the upward breakthrough predicted by many commentators. In fact, in my personal opinion, the current market is still very weak, and belongs to the kind that has not changed. The national team is also not so active. The two cities have had a large net outflow of funds for several consecutive days, which fully shows that the market is not confident enough now. If it continues to fall back tomorrow, the decline here will be correspondingly greater. Therefore, never be careless when you should be careful.


Zhanfeng vx17189499999

The strong will always be strong

Stock god



Classification: After hours brief review

The market continued to maintain a high level of shock consolidation today, with no clear direction given. After reading a lot of comments, I felt that the market would choose to make a breakthrough after the festival! There is no reason for me to agree that although upward breakthroughs can make the short-term market relatively active, what is the significance of breakthroughs that have not been fully adjusted? Therefore, I think it is better to be cautious. It is not suitable to enter large positions before making a definite choice!


Zhanfeng vx17189499999

The strong will always be strong

Stock god



Classification: After hours brief review

Although the market remains high and volatile today, it almost runs under the time-sharing box all day, which shows that the confidence of the whole market in upward impact is insufficient. Next, if we just maintain, but can't start the new hot plate upward impact, then the short-term market will not have a good performance. On the contrary, we should pay special attention to the 60 minute and daily level multi space critical points. Once we lose, we should consider making the worst plan!


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