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Tomorrow's Luck (8.14) Friday

(2020-08-13 15:56:36)

Eight characters

Geomantic omen

Zodiac luck


Name Zhide

Classification: two thousand and twenty
Gregorian calendar: August 14, 2020
Lunar calendar: 2020 June 25th
Jiashen month in the year of Gengzi An ugly day
 Tomorrow's Luck (8.14) Friday

It's not advisable today
should It is suitable to meet friends, travel, move and bury. Zi and Chou are compatible, which is also suitable for meeting noble people.
Taboo Small bad day. Lou Su, holding the sun, two black stars facing the sun. In order to have no salary and spend less money, it is not suitable to start business. If it is a marriage, you should also choose carefully.
Bearing auspicious time
Azimuth analysis The distinguished person is in the north, southwest, one white star is in the northwest, six white stars are in the north, and eight white stars are in the northeast. The three evils are in the east, and it is not suitable to repair the nail, the Mao, the Yi, the Yin, and the Chen. The five yellows are in the southwest, and it is not suitable to build this side. Earth moving, and Anmen is dangerous. The fetuses are in the northwest. If there are pregnant women in the family, do not touch this side, which is likely to be harmful to the fetus and pregnant women.
Baby's Birthday Rigan is his own country. He lost his order in Shenyue. He has roots in sitting in ugliness. All the years are the five elements of overcoming Rigan. Only Rigan can see the root. It is better to see fire every time. You can be born, or you can make Wangjin. If the wounded officer is too heavy, it is lucky to see the seal, then it is a seal for the wounded officer. Therefore, we should refer to Bing Yin, Ding Mao and ourselves when choosing.
At noon, at noon, at noon, at noon, at the right time, at the right time, and at the right time.
The zodiac is lucky or unlucky
Zodiac Rat: Don't be impatient when driving
Business index:
Luck meets six combinations. Many people support and cooperate with each other.
Financial index:
A day when fortune is rising and easy to get.
Emotional index:
A day of harmonious and smooth feelings and good relationship with the opposite sex.
Health index:
Healthy body and mind.

Zodiac ox: making a lot of money
Business index:
A good deed is hard to achieve, but it is useless without honor.
Financial index:
The financial fortunes were moderate.
Emotional index:
Feelings are flat.
Health index:
Pay attention to the spleen, stomach and food hygiene.

Zodiac tiger: adjust the work and rest time
Business index:
When a tiger meets an ugly ox, an official star is on the horizon, which is conducive to seeking wealth and career.
Financial index:
The presence of a fortune star is conducive to the day of seeking wealth and profit.
Emotional index:
The feeling is good.
Health index:
Pay attention to diet and diseases of spleen and stomach.

Zodiac Rabbit: It is better to drink tea and eat light meals to nourish the body and mind
Business index:
The wealth and seal are prosperous, the fortune is upward, the business is smooth, and many unexpected good things are coming.
Financial index:
Wealth is good, and people are happy to earn money.
Emotional index:
Affection is smooth and husband and wife love each other.
Health index:
The spleen and stomach have many diseases. Pay attention to digestive problems.

Zodiac dragon: natural and unrestrained
Business index:
When the money robbing star appears, it is necessary to prevent the bad luck after the good luck.
Financial index:
Ordinary financial fortune, pay attention to keeping money.
Emotional index:
I like a friendly day, but it is inevitable that there will be small differences between husband and wife.
Health index:
Poor spleen and stomach.

Zodiac snake: three examinations
Business index:
The ugly people have merged and the career is flourishing. Although there are auspicious stars, there are also seven killing stars. Pay attention to the villains' right and wrong in the career.
Financial index:
Fortune is imminent, and fortune is rising, which is expected to bring unexpected wealth.
Emotional index:
The heterosexual favor will lead to more good marriage.
Health index:
Health without worry.

Zodiac Horse: It is better to do good every day
Business index:
Bulls and horses harm each other, offend villains and damage careers.
Financial index:
Financial fortunes are damaged.
Emotional index:
Emotional disadvantage.
Health index:
Health is a worry.

Zodiac sheep: complacent
Business index:
Luck meets six evils. The villains are biased and the fortune is changeable. It is inevitable that many people will become worried about their career without reason.
Financial index:
Poor fortune and changeable fortune.
Emotional index:
Bad feelings, pay attention to maintenance.
Health index:
Ugliness does not conflict with each other, spleen and stomach are not good, and health is damaged.

Zodiac Monkey: Be careful not to be cheated
Business index:
Food and money make you rich, and you are happy with your plans. However, you are inevitably discouraged and overworked.
Financial index:
Hard work can make you rich, but there are money robbing stars, so you should invest and cooperate cautiously.
Emotional index:
Emotional harmony, husband and wife love.
Health index:
Good health.

Zodiac chicken: don't think too much
Business index:
Gold and water come together, and the little lucky star appears. Everything is peaceful, and the mastermind can achieve something.
Financial index:
When money stars appear, they will seek wealth and profit.
Emotional index:
She likes to be friendly, has rich feelings, and is favored by the opposite sex.
Health index:
Healthy body and mind.

Zodiac dog: suitable for dating
Business index:
There are many bad information about bullying the weak. We must be cautious and not be aggressive to avoid resentment.
Financial index:
Poor money stars consume too much money.
Emotional index:
Affective, pay attention to maintenance.
Health index:
Spleen and stomach are unfavorable.

Zodiac pig: can breathe a sigh of relief
Business index:
Helping the body and helping the luck together, the career fortune is more favorable, and there is an image of prosperity of both wealth and industry.
Financial index:
Peace of fortune, wealth and profit.
Emotional index:
Affection is smooth.
Health index:
Health without worry, physical and mental health.

One Zen every day
"I often compete with my friends, not with fools.
Even if you win the argument for a while, you will lose the heart forever.
After all, few people in the world like to make friends with "gang masters".
When people get along with each other, they seek comfort, not win or lose.
Add Shifu WeChat: 807561127 One to one online free consultation, instant questions and answers, revealing the wisdom of life.
 Tomorrow's Luck (8.14) Friday


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