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 Yifan in Shantou
Yifan in Shantou
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Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

(2020-08-13 17:21:21)

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

In modern society, the proportion of men and women is out of balance. The survey report on China's population data released at the beginning of last year shows that the population of mainland China is nearly 1.4 billion, of which 31.64 million are more men than women. Normally, there are more men than women. Women can't marry off if they want to marry; Men want to marry, but sometimes they can't marry. However, the reality is just the opposite. It is a society with more men and fewer women, but there are more and more leftover women. A few years ago, there was a group of data that said there were 38 million leftover women in China. Whether this number is exaggerated is unknown, but it is true that it exceeds ten million.

China claims that there are 40 million bachelors, most of whom are scattered in nearly 700000 villages; However, most of the elderly leftover women are gathered in cities, which is rare in rural areas. The larger the city, the more prominent the phenomenon of leftover women. In Beijing, which has a permanent resident population of more than 20 million, the number of elderly leftover women has exceeded 800000, accounting for 4%. People walk high, water flows low. Women in border and poor areas try every means to get married, so there are few left. There are far more leftover women in metropolises than surplus men, because everyone thinks that they will not be the one left, resulting in a large number of leftover women.

Speaking of the reasons why older women can't marry, some say that most of them are only children, girls are more spoiled than boys, and the women's family will demand more from boys; Some say that they all have superior jobs, stable lives, high education, independent thoughts, and are women who do not rely on men; It is said that most of them believe in fate and are waiting for their favorite husband. They will not make do even if they meet a less desirable suitor; It is said that many of them just want to "follow the plan" to choose by themselves, rather than being a woman selected by men. With a wide range of choices, they are increasingly demanding, and finally become picky; Some people also say that they are used to living alone, feel lonely and regretful, do not want to marry, do not want to have children, and so on.

There is a folk saying, "Marry the chicken with the chicken, marry the dog with the dog, marry the fox and drill the grass". Marriage is a lifelong event, and there is no room for trifles. Everyone has a consensus that a marriage with equal conditions between men and women is the happiest, and a marriage with slightly different conditions may also be very happy; If the conditions of both men and women are too different, especially the conditions of the woman are too strong, the marriage is most likely to be broken. In life, many women regard marriage as a second reincarnation. If they marry well, they will be happy for the rest of their lives; If you don't marry well, you may spend the rest of your life in pain. This is the fulfillment of the saying that has been circulating for thousands of years among the people, "Raise your head to marry your daughter, and lower your head to marry her". The meaning is very intuitive. When marrying a daughter, you must find a husband with better conditions than yourself; To marry a daughter-in-law, the conditions may be more suitable than those of a strong family. To sum up, it is to marry high and marry low. This kind of folk experience accumulated over the years has a great impact on people's concept of marriage and love.

Women's puberty seems to be very short. If they don't fall in love at the age of 25, they will be urged by all kinds of people; If you haven't found a boyfriend before the age of 28, it is easy to be considered as "an old woman who can't marry"; If they are not married in their 30s, they will be called "elder leftover women". All the leftover women have one thing in common. They all think they are excellent, believe in the secular high marriage and low marriage, and are unwilling to make do with it. Among them, many people have preset conditions and thresholds when choosing a spouse. They all believe that excellent women should find more excellent men, which increases the difficulty of choosing a spouse. If they are not high enough, they will be low enough. Once they miss the date of choosing a spouse, even if they want to marry, age has become an obstacle. In this way, not all leftover women are left. Many are left by self selection. Most of them are women with high education, high income and high age. There is a saying that is very general: "The rest is the essence".

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence

 Marry high, marry low, don't make do, the rest is the essence


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